In 1879, the Hall effect was discovered by Edwin Herbert Hall.

The Hall voltage is represented as:

\(\begin{array}{l}V_H=\frac{IB}{qnd}\end{array} \)

The Hall coefficient is mathematically expressed as

\(\begin{array}{l}R_H=\frac{E}{jB}\end{array} \)

The Hall effect is used in magnetic field sensing equipment, sensors and probes.

Read more: Hall effect

Important Hall Effect Questions with Answers

1. The force experienced by a charged particle ‘q’ moving with velocity ‘v’ through magnetic field ‘B’ and an electric field ‘E’ is known as _____.

  1. Faraday’s force
  2. Lorentz force
  3. Newton’s force
  4. Kepler’s force

Answer: b) Lorentz force

Explanation: Lorentz force is the force exerted on a charged particle ‘q’ moving with velocity ‘v’ through magnetic field ‘B’ and an electric field ‘E’.

2. ______ is a device used to measure the magnitude of a magnetic field.

  1. Manometer
  2. Barometer
  3. Spectrometer
  4. Hall effect sensor

Answer: d) Hall effect sensor

Explanation: Hall effect sensor is a device used to measure the magnitude of a magnetic field.

3. Current density is represented by the letter _____.

  1. c
  2. d
  3. j
  4. B

Answer: c) j

Explanation: The current density is represented by the letter ‘j’.

4. State true or false: The Hall effect is used in phase angle measurement.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: a) True

Explanation: Yes, the hall effect is used in phase angle measurement. It is also used to detect the wheel speed.

5. Define proximity sensor.

A proximity sensor is a sensor that has the ability to discover the presence of nearby objects without any physical contact.

6. List two applications of the Hall effect.

Hall effect is used in:

  • The linear or angular displacement transducers.
  • The Hall effect tong tester for the measurement of direct current.

7. Letter ‘B’ represents ______.

  1. Current density
  2. Magnetic field strength
  3. Number of charge carriers per unit volume
  4. The charge

Answer: b) Magnetic field strength

Explanation: The letter ‘B’ represents the magnetic field strength.

8. Who discovered the Hall effect?

In the year 1879, Edwin Herbert Hall discovered the Hall effect.

9. Choose YES or No: Can the magnetic field be calculated with a Hall probe using the Hall effect?

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: a) YES

Explanation: Magnetic field can be calculated with a Hall probe using the Hall effect.

10. The Hall coefficient is _____ if the number of positive charges is more than the negative charges.

  1. Zero
  2. Negative
  3. Positive
  4. Neither negative nor positive

Answer: c) Positive

Explanation: If the number of positive charges is more than the negative charges, the Hall coefficient is positive.

Practice Questions

  1. What is the Hall effect?
  2. What is the formula to calculate the hall coefficient?
  3. Where is the Hall effect used?
  4. What is the formula to calculate the Hall voltage?
  5. What is Hall voltage?