A divisor of 1200 is selected at random. Find the probability that it is even.
For divisors of 1200, 2 can be chosen in 5ways i.e.,
Similarly, 3 and 5 can be chosen in 3 ways each i.e.,
30,31,32 and 50,51,52
∴ Total no.of divisors of 1200=5×3×3
For getting even divisors of 1200, we have to choose 2 at least once; Thus, the number of
ways in which 2 can be chosen is 4 i.e., 21,22,23,24
While 3,5 can be chosen in 3 ways each i.e., 30,31,32 and 50,51,52
∴ Number of even divisors of 1200=4×3×3
Probability =Number~of~even~divisorsTotal~number~of~divisors=4×3×35×3×3