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Answer the question below, relating your answers only to salts in the following list :

Sodium chloride, anhydrous calcium chloride, copper sulphate-5-water ?

(a) What name is given to the water in the compound copper sulphate-5-water ?

(b) If copper sulphate-5-water is heated, anhydrous copper sulphate is formed. What is its colour ?

(c) By what means, other than heating, could you dehydrate copper sulphate-5-water and obtain anhydrous copper sulphate ?

(d) Which one of the salts in the given list is deliquescent ?

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(a) The water in the compound copper sulphate-5-water is named as water of crystallization. The water of crystallization means having a fixed number of molecules present in one formula of a unit of salt. Crystal salts with water of crystallization are known as hydrates.

(b) Hydrated copper sulfate has 5 molecules of water of crystallization and when it is heated it loses these water molecules and become anhydrous and from blue color to greyish white colour will form.

(c) Some salts, when exposed to atmosphere, absorbs moisture and is converted into their saturated solution. Such salts are called as deliquescent salts and the property as deliquescence.

(d) The salts which tend to undergo gradual dissolution and liquefaction by the attraction and absorption of moisture from the air are called deliquescent salts. From the given salts anhydrous Calcium chloride is the deliquescent salt.

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