As we know factors of 45 = 3×3×5
So, if 1766580 is divisible by 45 , it must be divisible by all factors of 45 also , So factors of 45 are (3,3,5).
We will check the divisibility of 1766580 by3 and 5 .
Divisibility of 1766580 by 3
if a number is divisible by 3 then sum of digits of that number must be divisible by 3.
⇒ 1766580 is divisible by 3.
Divisibility by 5
If a number ends with 0 or 5 , then that number is divisible by 5.
1766580 ends with 0
⇒ 1766580 is divisible by 5.
If 1766580 is divisible by 3 and 5 , then it is divisible by 45 also.