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Fill in the blanks.
(a) The process of intake of food and utilising it for all life processes is called .......... .
(b) All the substances in our food which are useful for various bodily processes are called .......... .
(c) Carbohydrates and .......... provide .......... to our body.
(d) In a balanced diet, all the nutrients are present in the ....... proportion.
(e) In the food pyramid, cereals are given the maximum space because they fulfil our .......... requirement.
(f) Intake of more food than necessary causes .......... .

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(a) The process of intake of food and utilizing it for all life processes is called nutrition.

Nutrients are the substances which provide energy and biomolecules necessary for carrying out the various body functions. All living organisms need nutrients for proper functioning and growth.

(b) All the substances in our food which are useful for various bodily processes are called nutrients.

Nutrients are molecules in food that all organisms need to make energy, grow, develop, and reproduce. Nutrients are digested and then broken down into basic parts to be used by the organism

(c) Carbohydrates and fats provide energy to our body.

Carbohydrates are body's main source of energy. They help fuel your brain, kidneys, heart muscles, and central nervous system.Fats give you energy, and they help the body absorb certain vitamins.

(d) In a balanced diet, all the nutrients are present in the right proportion.

A diet that contains all the vital nutrients required by the human body is called a balanced diet. A balanced diet comprises vital nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fibre in right proportion.

(e) In the food pyramid, cereals are given the maximum space because they fulfil our nutritional requirement.

In the food pyramid, cereals are given the maximum space because they fulfill our Energy requirement. Foods that are in this shelf of food pyramid are the provider of best energy for our body.

(f) Intake of more food than necessary causes overnutrition.

Excess consumption of nutrients can cause overnutrition and contrastingly, absorption of only one kind of nutrient can cause undernutrition.

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