Some important viral diseases of humans are - Hepatitis, Polio, Rabies and AIDS.
1. Hepatitis -
Causal organism - Hepatitis virus
Mainly affects liver and usually results in jaundice.
There are different types of hepatitis - hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, hepatitis E.
Mode of transmission -
Symptoms -
Prevention -
2. Polio
Causal organism - Polio virus
Mainly affects the children
Modes of transmission -
Symptoms -
Prevention -
3. Rabies
Causal organism - Rabies virus named Lyssavirus.
Modes of transmission -
Symptoms -
Prevention -
4. AIDS -
Affects the immune system of the body
Causal organism - Human Immuno Virus (HIV)
Modes of Transmission -
Prevention -