Q26 Consider the following statements,
i) It is a legally binding agreement in which all member nations would phase out the use of HFC in the coming years.
ii) By the year 2045, 85% of the usage will have to be reduced as per the freeze year suggested by the member nations.
Which of the following agreement address these provisions?
a) Kigali agreement
26 Ans A
Explanation: The agreement at Kigali came after seven years of negotiations under which the 197 Montreal Protocol parties reached a compromise wherein developed countries will start to phase down HFCs by 2019. Developing countries will follow with a freeze of HFCs consumption levels in 2024, with some countries freezing consumption in 2028. By the late 2040s, all countries are expected to consume no more than 15-20% of their respective baselines. Overall, the agreement is expected to reduce HFC use by 85% by 2045