Total number of women in Jambhulgaon = 1200
Number of women in Jambhulgaon who cast their vote = 1080
Total number of women in Wadgaon = 1700
Number of women in Wadgaon who cast their vote = 1360
Suppose x% women cast their votes in Jambhulgaon and y% women cast their votes in ​Wadgaon.
Let us find the ratio of number of women who cast their vote to the total number of women in each case. We then write those ratios in two forms, obtain equations and solve them. Then, we have
⇒ and
⇒x = 90 and y = 80
∴ 90% women cast their votes in Jambhulgaon and 80% women cast their votes in Wadgaon.
∴ A greater proportion of women cast their votes in Jambhulgaon.