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The Bishnoi community which opposed felling of trees in the Kingdom of ___I___in Rajasthan in the year ___II___is known for its peaceful co-existence with nature. A woman named ____III___ sacrificed her life to protect the trees.

The Government of India instituted the _____IV_____Award in her honour.

I - Jaipur, II - 1857, III - Amrita Devi, IV - Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection
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I - Jodhpur, II - 1731, III - Amrita Devi , IV - Amrita Devi Bishnoi Forest Protection
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I - Jodhpur, II - 1731, III - Amrita Devi , IV - Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection
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I - Jaisalmer, II - 1735, III - Amrita Devi , IV - Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection
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The correct option is C I - Jodhpur, II - 1731, III - Amrita Devi , IV - Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection
The Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection Award is a national award instituted by the Government of India for wildlife conservation. This award is presented to individuals or
communities from rural areas that have shown extraordinary courage and dedication in protecting wildlife.

The award is in the remembrance of Amrita Devi Bishnoi, who died in 1731 while trying to protect a grove of Khejri trees in Khejarli, Rajasthan.

The incident took place in 1731 when the king of Jodhpur ordered one of his ministers to arrange wood from the village of Khejarli for constructing a new palace. The Bishnoi community residing in that village are known for their peaceful co-existence with nature. On hearing the news, Amrita Devi Bishnoi and her daughters along with others tried to protect the trees. In fact, Amrita Devi showed exemplary courage by hugging the tree and asking the King’s workers to kill her if they had to cut the trees. The minister and the workers paid no heed to this and Amrita Devi along with others were killed while trying to peacefully protect a grove of Khejri trees.

The effort had a long-term impact on environmental advocacy, and the massacre later became a precursor to the 20th century “Chipko movement”.

Hence the correctly filled blanks would be as follows:

The Bishnoi community which opposed felling of trees in the Kingdom of Jodhpur (I) in Rajasthan in the year 1731 (II) were known for their peaceful co-existence with nature. A woman named Amrita Devi (III) sacrificed her life to protect the trees.

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