What is dialysis and how does this process take place?
[5 Marks]
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The process of removing metabolic waste and excess fluids from the body artificially is called dialysis. This process is done when an individual’s kidney fails to perform its functions.
[2 Marks]
The following are the steps involved in dialysis process:
The arterial blood is passed through the dialysis unit.
While the blood is being passed through the machine, heparin is utilised as an anticoagulant.
The dialysis unit receives a fluid called dialysis fluid which is composed of water, electrolytes and minerals.
A semipermeable barrier in the unit prevents blood cells and proteins from diffusing into the dialysis fluid.
The concentration gradient allows urea, phosphate, creatinine, and other undesirable chemicals from the blood to flow into the dialysis fluid.
The dialysis fluid releases the body's vital chemicals into the bloodstream.
The purified blood is being pumped back to the body through a vein and the used dialysis fluid is disposed off. [3 Marks]