What specializations are possible by choosing S001, S002 and S003?
Marketing, Production, Personnel and Systems
Module S001 does not have Production and module S003 does not have Marketing. But their combination gives us Marketing and Systems. Hence, module S001 must have Marketing. Since modules S001 and S002 have four different specializations, there must be no common specialization and module S002 will not have Marketing but will have Production. Module S003 will have Systems included because it is not a part of module S001. So, S001 will have Finance or Personnel and it will be common to module S003.
Now, since the S001 and S004 module combination does not have Marketing as a specialization, it means that they both have Marketing in common. Since they have Finance and Personnel in common, therefore module S001 has Finance and module S004 has Personnel. Thus, module S002 also has Personnel and module S003 must also have Finance. This leaves module S005 with Production and Systems.