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Write scientific reasons.
A. The stainless steel vessels in Kitchen have copper coating on the bottom.
B. Copper and brass vessels are cleaned with lemon.
C. Sodium metal is kept in kerosene.

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a.The copper coating on the bottom helps in faster heat conduction. It is because copper is a good conductor of heat compared to steel. Due to this, the food gets hot faster and the food gets ready quickly. The metallic copper does not undergo any reaction with water. Hence after using for several times the shape and durability of the container remain as such. But steel contains iron which on prolonged use under heating conditions gets deformed. Hence the copper bottom utensils are durable and corrosion-resistant.

b.Copper and brass react with moist carbon dioxide in the air to form copper carbonate and as a result, the copper vessel loses its shiny brown surface forming a green layer of copper carbonate. The citric acid present in the lemon or tamarind neutralises the basis copper carbonate and dissolves the layer. That is why tarnished copper vessels are cleaned with lemon or tamarind juice to give the surface of the copper vessel its characteristic lustre.

c. Sodium metal is kept in kerosene because sodium is a very reactive metal. It is kept in kerosene to prevent it from coming in contact with oxygen and moisture. If this happens, it will react with the moisture present in the air and form sodium hydroxide. This is a strongly exothermic reaction, and a lot of heat is generated. It will result out in the form of fire.

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