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How to calculate ammeter and voltmeter readings?

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Ammeter readings

  1. An ammeter is used to measure the current across a given conductor.
  2. This gives the measure of the total charge that is flowing through the conductor in unit time.
  3. An ammeter is connected in series with the circuit because the current through a series circuit is always equal.
  4. There are two types of ammeter, analog ammeter, and digital ammeter.
  5. In an analog ammeter, the pointer rotates over a given scale, and the unit is mentioned.
  6. The value over which the pointer hovers plus the unit given on the ammeter, say A or mAgives us the value of the current.
  7. In a digital ammeter, the current passing through the circuit is shown digitally.

Voltmeter readings

  1. A voltmeter is used to measure the potential difference across a given conductor.
  2. This gives the measure of the voltage through the conductor.
  3. A voltmeter is connected in parallel with the resistance present in the circuit because the voltage through a parallel circuit is always equal.
  4. There are two types of voltmeter, analog voltmeter, and digital voltmeter.
  5. In an analog voltmeter, the pointer rotates over a given scale.
  6. The value over which the pointer hovers plus the unit given on the voltmeter, say V or mVgives us the value of the voltage.
  7. In a digital voltmeter, the potential difference of the circuit is shown digitally.

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