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3rd Grade Geometry Worksheets Explained:


The geometry worksheets for grade 3 offer intrinsic value with special focus on the concepts and properties of shapes based on their sides, angles and other attributes. The third grade geometry worksheets include the following concepts:

  • 2 Dimensional Shapes - The primary goal of this worksheet is to introduce students to different classifications of 2D shapes, identifying sides and angles of quadrilaterals and vice versa, and classifying quadrilaterals based on their features.

The geometry worksheets grade 3 are highly beneficial for students to have a better clarity on concepts that will eventually pave the way for higher grades.

Benefits of 3rd Grade Geometry Worksheets:


The third grade geometry worksheets are quite useful for students who have already learnt about shapes and are now getting introduced to their attributes. These geometry worksheets focus on classifying 2D shapes and quadrilaterals based on their sides and angles, showcasing different kinds of quadrilaterals and the parallel sides of quadrilaterals. The following 3rd grade geometry worksheets will give students an idea on the different concepts that have been introduced to the students:

  • 2 Dimensional Shapes - This worksheet will help students in understanding the properties of 2D shapes and quadrilaterals, the sides and angles of shapes and classification of quadrilaterals based on their parallel sides.

The 3rd grade geometry worksheets are prepared for students in three difficulty levels - easy, medium and hard. The difficulty level depends on the potential of students to understand the kinds of sums that are given in a particular level.

Printable PDFs and Interactive Worksheets:

The PDF based printable geometry worksheets for third grade can be easily solved offline once downloaded from the BYJU’S Math website. As a result, students have enough time to solve the problems in the worksheet without any time limit. The PDF worksheets are easy to download and can be solved as per the student’s convenience. The interactive worksheets for third grade students are solved in an online mode. These worksheets are timed and will encourage students to participate in such time bound activities in future. Solving worksheets in the online mode allows students to get the solutions to the questions instantly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Parallel sides of any shape are opposite to each other and they don’t intersect at any point. 3rd grade geometry worksheets contain questions on quadrilaterals with parallel sides.

Grade three geometry worksheets address the concept of right angles. These angles are formed when two straight lines intersect each other at 90˚ or are perpendicular to each other.

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral that has 4 sides.

A rhombus has four equal sides and the diagonals intersect at 90 degrees while a parallelogram has equal opposite sides and the diagonals bisect each other.

3rd grade geometry worksheets also deal with squares, which are quadrilaterals with four right angles.