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5th Grade Measurement Worksheet

Measurement lets us express how large or how small an object or an event is. We can measure quantities using multiple methods. The standard quantities used to express physical quantities are known as units of measurement. We can choose from a variety of standard units to measure a particular quantity, depending on the magnitude of the quantity. Some of these units belong to the customary system, and others belong to the metric system.


As students can measure a single quantity using multiple units, it is important to get acquainted with the units to understand when to use them and when not to use them. The questions in the grade 5 measurement worksheets focus on exactly that. Students will learn to express quantities like length, mass, and capacity using both customary and metric systems of units. The questions in the 5th grade measurement worksheets will also help students understand the steps involved in interconverting units. 

The questions in the measurement worksheets are advantageous to students as they will help them understand the concept much better. But it is a good idea to recollect the things that they have learned earlier on before actually starting to solve a worksheet. 

Click on the following links to read about the concepts related to measurement:

Here, students will learn the units in the metric system and the customary system of units. They will learn to compare the magnitude of a quantity expressed in different units to understand the scale of the units. 

A quantity measured using one unit can be converted into another unit using simple arithmetic operations using some constant values. Fifth grade math students will learn to convert and display the units of a quantity using simple methods. 


Benefits of 5th Grade Measurement Worksheets

  • Measurement Worksheets (Easy)

In the easy-level worksheet, students will be asked to solve basic questions related to units of measurement. Students will be asked to pick the right unit among units of different quantities.

  • Measurement Worksheets (Medium)

After solving the easy-level questions, the next step is to progress toward medium-level questions. Here, students will learn how to choose between different units of the same quantity. As this requires a sense of scale in terms of the magnitude of the quantity, these questions can be a bit more challenging than the questions in the easy-level worksheet.

  • Measurement Worksheets (Hard)

The hard-level worksheet will have questions related to the interconversion of the units of measurement.


5th Grade Measurement Worksheet PDFs

BYJU’S Math offers two types of worksheets: printable worksheets and interactive worksheets. The printable worksheets focus on progressing the procedural knowledge of a student, and the interactive worksheet focuses on improving conceptual understanding. Students can download both worksheets by clicking on the respective download buttons.

Frequently Asked Questions

The interactive worksheets are a modern take on traditional worksheets. Here, students can solve questions on BYJU’S Math and get the responses instantly. Using interactive worksheets, students have a clear picture of the areas of strength and the areas that need improvement, and thus, it’s actually a detailed report of a student’s performance.

The printable worksheets are normal worksheets with good quality and number of questions. Solving printable worksheets help students improve their procedural knowledge of concepts, and it also makes students acquainted with the classroom way of learning.

The measurements chapter in grade 5 focuses on different units used to measure quantities like length, mass, and capacity. Students will learn customary units and metric units to express these quantities.

The capacity of an object is always related to the length of its sides. In fact, the formula used for calculating capacity is usually obtained from the length of the object.

Measurement is a topic in geometry that has a wide range of real-life applications. Also, it is a fundamental topic in geometry. Students need to have a thorough understanding of the concept of measurement to learn more complex concepts in geometry in higher grades.