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5th Grade Order of Operations Worksheets

All students need to learn the order of operations for simplifying math expressions as this plays a big role in solving math problems. The PEMDAS rule, which defines the order of operations, is a strict rule that we all must follow while solving math equations. Each mathematical equation is a sentence that carries a meaning. The order of operations make sure that we interpret the intended meaning while manipulating an equation. 

It is easy to forget about the order of operations while solving an expression. The acronym ‘PEMDAS’ helps us recall the order of operations. But to make sure that students remember the PEMDAS rule, they need to practice questions based on the order of operations. The questions in the grade 5 order of operations worksheets will help students get acquainted with the right method of solving math equations. Check out the following article for a quick recall of the concept of order of operations:

This page explains the order of operations that is to be followed while solving math equations. Students can refer to this page to  easily solve the questions in the fifth grade order of operations worksheets. 


Benefits of the Order of Operations Worksheets

The fifth grade order of operations worksheet benefits students in multiple ways. There are some takeaways unique to the order of operations worksheets that make them worth the attempt. There are three worksheets based on the concept of order of operations. The main difference between the three worksheets is the difference in the difficulty level of the questions.

  • Order of Operations Worksheet (Easy):

The questions in the grade 5 order of operations worksheet are designed to help students understand the basic idea of the order of operations. This worksheet will help students recollect the basic concepts related to the order of operations. 

  • Order of Operations Worksheet (Medium):

The questions in this worksheet are of a medium difficulty level. Here, students will start solving simple questions based on more advanced concepts and application-level questions based on simple concepts. 

  • Order of Operations Worksheet (Hard):

The questions in the hard-level worksheet are more challenging. Students can master the concept of order of operations by solving the questions in this worksheet. 


Printable and Online Order of Operations Worksheets

BYJU’S Math offers two types of worksheets for each concept. Students who prefer solving worksheets online can choose the interactive worksheets, and the students who prefer the pen-and-paper mode can download printable worksheets for free.

Frequently Asked Questions

The order of operations is a specific sequence to be followed while evaluating math expressions. Following the order of operations ensures that we arrive at the right result every time.

A math expression that has multiple operations can be solved in multiple ways, giving different results. If we don’t follow the order of operations, we will most likely get the wrong answer. Hence, it is important to follow the order of operations while evaluating math expressions.

‘PEMDAS’ is an acronym for parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. We must simplify an expression in this order to arrive at the right result.

It is quite common to forget about the order of operations while solving math problems. The order of operations worksheets help students get accustomed to the PEMDAS rule, which is to be followed while solving any expression. After solving a number of questions, students will naturally adapt and take care of the order of operations while solving math equations.

Yes, we can swap the position of multiplication and division in the order of operations without changing the result. Similarly, performing subtraction before addition does not alter the result either.