Math Companion
1-on-1 Tutoring
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150 Million+ satisfied students worldwide
Understand & not memorize
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Fixing past fundamentals
Unlimited Practice
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fulfilling your child’s math needs
Here’s how Math Companion

can help your child
Nidhi Pandey, 4+ yrs experience

Meet the tutors
behind Math Companion
Live 1 on 1 weekly classes
32 Million+
1:1 questions solved till now
Highly trained
Our highly trained tutors are selected after 300 hrs of training and excel
at 25 math proficiency tests before joining our team.
Here is what you get Every month
1:1 Tutoring
8 scheduled sessions
24x7 Math helpline
4 on-demand video calls + 30 on-demand chats
Study materials
1k+ videos, 10k+ worksheet questions & 400+ games
Parent connect
Parent tutor meeting, report cards