Intransitive Verbs Worksheet

Intransitive verbs are a part of the Main verb. But to understand what main verbs are, one has to understand the basics of verbs. Verbs are those words that denote action, i.e. verbs are doing words. For example, “Raj plays the piano”. Here, ‘plays’ is the verb since it represents an action. Once children have their basics cleared about verbs, parents/teachers can teach them about the different types of verbs. There are two classes into which verbs can be categorised: the main verb and the helping verb. Main verbs (principal verbs) are those verbs that can be used independently. For example, “My mom bakes delicious cookies”. Here, ‘bakes’ is the main verb. Further, mains verbs can be divided into two types: transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. BYJU’S provides ample transitive/intransitive verbs worksheets that children can practise to understand the concept better.

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Intransitive Verbs

Intransitive verbs are one of the categories of the main verb. In simpler terms, intransitive verbs are those verbs that don’t require an object to transfer/pass its action from the subject/doer. For example, “Sit on the chair”. Here, ‘sit’ is the intransitive verb. Once the children understand the basics of intransitive verbs, it will be easy for them to solve the intransitive verbs worksheet.

When does an Intransitive Verb become a Transitive Verb?

In some cases, intransitive verbs become transitive verbs; let us know which cases allow this conversion.

  • If the intransitive verb is grouped with a preposition, it becomes a transitive verb. For example, “We should act on this rule”. Here, as the verb is grouped with the preposition ‘on’, it becomes a transitive verb.
  • If ‘over’ or ‘with’ is placed before the intransitive verb, it becomes a transitive verb. For example, “Sam overcame all the hurdles”. Here, by adding ‘over’ before the intransitive verb ‘come’ becomes a transitive verb ‘overcome’.
  • If the intransitive verb is used in a causative sense, then it is treated as a transitive verb. For example, “Rita flies a kite”. Here, ‘files’ become transitive verbs as its cause is to fly.

It is not necessary for primary class students to learn these rules; rather, a basic understanding of intransitive verbs will be adequate for them. The worksheets on transitive and intransitive verbs will be beneficial for them to practise and thereby understand the concept easily. For more Kids Learning activities similar to the intransitive verbs worksheet, visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs)


What are intransitive verbs?

Intransitive verbs are those kinds of verbs that don’t transfer/shift the action from the subject or the doer to an object. For example, “My mom asked me to lie down”.


Where to get an intransitive verbs worksheet?

If you are looking for an intransitive verbs worksheet, then BYJU’S website offers you many worksheets on intransitive verbs. These worksheets are designed in a manner that primary class students find it easy to identify the intransitive verbs and solve the worksheets quickly.

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