ICSE Class 9 History and Civics Syllabus

ICSE Class 9 History and Civics Syllabus acts as the best preparation guide for the Class 9 final exam. It provides an in-depth understanding of the topics covered in History and Civics during the academic session. Also, students, along with ICSE Syllabus for Class 9 History and Civics, get to know the exam pattern, marking scheme and topics for the project and internal assessment. To download the 9th Class ICSE History and Civics Syllabus PDF, click the link below.

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ICSE Class 9 Civics Syllabus – Section A

An elementary study is required of this section without a verbatim study of the Constitutional Articles in detail.

1. Our Constitution

2. Elections

3. Local Self Government

ICSE Class 9 History Syllabus – Section B

1. The Harappan Civilisation

2. The Vedic Period

3. Jainism and Buddhism

4. The Mauryan Empire

5. The Sangam Age

6. The Age of the Guptas

7. Medieval India

(a) The Cholas

(b) The Delhi Sultanate

(c) The Mughal Empire

(d) Composite Culture

8. The Modern Age in Europe

(a) Renaissance

(b) Reformation

(c) Industrial Revolution

ICSE Class 9 History and Civics Syllabus – Internal Assessment

ICSE Class 9 students have to work on any one project/assignment related to the History and Civics Syllabus.

Suggested Assignments for History and Civics

Have a look at the list of the project work/assignments.

  1. ‘The Indian constitution protects the rights of children, women, minorities and weaker sections.’ Elaborate on the basis of a case study.
  2. ‘Fundamental Duties complement Fundamental Rights.’ Illustrate with the help of a PowerPoint Presentation.
  3. Highlight the civic issues of your locality and what suggestions would you offer to address them.
  4. Visit a museum or local site of historical importance and discuss its significance.
  5. Discuss the art and architectural features of any of these monuments: Buddhist Caves, Ajanta; Iron Pillar, Mehrauli; Gol Gumbaz, Bijapur; Mattancherry Synagogue, Cochin; Kamakhya Temple, Guwahati; St. Thomas Basilica, Chennai; Tower of Silence, Mumbai.
  6. Make a pictorial presentation of inventions and innovations as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
  7. Make a comparative study of the Harappan and the Mesopotamian Civilisations.

For students’ easy access, we have compiled the syllabus of all subjects in a single place. They can go through them by visiting the ICSE Class 9 Syllabus page. Download BYJU’S – The Learning App and fall in love with learning.


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