ISC Class 12 Maths

ISC Class 12 Maths is a crucial subject as it covers all the important concepts of the subjects. It will help students who want to pursue a career in the field of engineering, business administration, chartered accountancy, statistics or even economics to get admission to a reputed institution. For even those who do not wish to pursue a career in fields related to Maths but have it as a subject in their ISC, it becomes important to score well in each subject.

Students have to revise all the concepts on a regular basis for a good score. It will improve the logical and analytical thinking skills of students, which is important for the exams. Students can face their ISC Class 12 Exams confidently by making use of the study resources designed by the subject experts at BYJU’S.

Tips to prepare for the ISC Class 12 Maths Examination

  1. Complete studying the topics given in the syllabus well ahead of the examination.
  2. Improve your question-solving skills by practising a lot of problems under each category.
  3. Revise all the important questions and formulas from a chapter every week.
  4. Do not just mug up formulae. Understand the application aspect of them well.

ISC Class 12 Maths Chapters

Relations and Functions Three – Dimensional Geometry
Algebra Applications of Integrals
Calculus Application of Calculus
Probability Linear Regression
Vectors Linear Programming

ISC Class 12 Maths Syllabus

ISC Class 12 Maths Previous Year Paper

ISC Class 12 Maths Sample Paper

ISC Class 12 Maths Important Questions

ISC Class 12 Maths Videos

How to Score Well in ISC Class 12 Maths Examination?

  • Before you start the exam, utilize the first 15 minutes for scanning the paper. Read the question paper thoroughly before jumping to write the answers.
  • Among the questions with internal choices, select the ones that you plan to attempt and frame skeletons of the answers you are going to write for these questions.
  • Follow a pattern. For example, in case you start with long answer questions, complete that section and only then move to a short or very short answer section.
  • Highlight the important points and write your answer in points to enhance visibility.

Frequently Asked Questions on ISC Class 12 Maths


How to know the important concepts in the ISC Class 12 Maths exam?

Students can get to know about the important concepts in the ISC Class 12 Maths exam by using the syllabus PDF. Before the beginning of the academic year, students are advised to download the PDF of the syllabus and refer to it to understand the concepts which are of more marks in the final exams.

Is the ISC Class 12 Maths difficult to score marks?

No, scoring marks in the ISC Class 12 Maths is not difficult. Students should understand the concepts and the steps used to solve a particular problem and remember it effectively for better performance. The solutions of different authors are given at BYJU’S in order to provide accurate answers for the exam preparation of students.

Why is ISC Class 12 Maths important in the board exams?

The ISC Class 12 Maths is important in board exams as it contains only numerical formulas and theorems. If a student understands each of the problems properly, solving the answers in the exam will be very easy. It will also help in attaining good rank in the competitive exams as well.


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