JAC Exam Pattern


Jharkhand’s public education system is governed by the Jharkhand Academic Council, which is also responsible for conducting class 10 and class 12 board exams. This organization has affiliations with many schools and colleges across the state. Class 10 is locally known as “Secondary” within the purview of the board, and similarly, class 12 is known as “Intermediary”. Read on to explore details of the exam pattern.

Importance of Analyzing JAC Exam Pattern

Students are advised to analyze the exam pattern as it is an important part of the learning process. Students can find out various aspects of the examination such as the structure of examination, allocation of marks, types of questions, probable questions and other trends and patterns. These insights will tremendously help the students with their learning, and ultimately help them secure more marks in the exams.

Traditionally, exam patterns are a sort of framework for the students to follow along. It helps the students to set specific goals and targets and then evaluate those results- making corrective actions if necessary. Explore more important tools and examination resources to help you secure more marks by visiting BYJU’S. From in-depth articles and imagery to immersive quizzes and fascinating videos, BYJU’S is your solution to all your academic problems.


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