Karnataka Board Class 9 Science Syllabus 2022-23

The Karnataka Board Class 9 Syllabus mainly contains information about the subject. The Karnataka Board Class 9 Science Syllabus provides students information about the topics covered, structure, assignments, activities, exercises etc. The syllabus says how much time should be spent on what topics, important topics and their weightage. In short, they are the reference frame for any studies.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the KSEEB has decided to reduce the Karnataka Board Class 9 Science Syllabus by 30%, and conduct the examinations on this reduced syllabus.

Karnataka State Board Syllabus for Class 9 Science is prescribed by Karnataka Secondary Education and Examination Board. The syllabus is devised by a committee of experts, who carefully choose the topics of Science in such a way that studying them is not only for scoring good marks in the final examination but also for understanding higher grade science.

Students, generally get interested in Science, because it explains infinite physical phenomenons occurring all the time in and around us. For example : how things are formed? How do they function? What is governing them? How do complex things evolve over time from simple things? A slow and study approach in finding answers to these questions will help a student for better realisation of science.

Class 9 Science students study definitions of various topics, various physical laws, derivations, numericals, analytics etc… Syllabus mainly comprises topics like states of matter, atoms and molecules, the fundamental units of life ,tissues and its types, Diversity in living organisms, motion, gravitation, laws of motion, etc.

Karnataka Board Class 9 Science Syllabus 2022-23

  1. Matter in our Surroundings
  2. Is Matter Around Us Pure
  3. Atoms and Molecules
  4. Structure of the Atom
  5. The Fundamental Unit of Life
  6. Tissues
  7. Diversity in Living Organisms
  8. Motion
  9. Force and Laws of Motion
  10. Gravitation
  11. Work and energy
  12. Sound
  13. Why Do We Fall Ill
  14. Natural Resources
  15. Improvement in Food Resources

Stay tuned to BYJU’S to know more about the KSEEB.



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