Ampere’s law came to existence in 1826. The law talks about the sum of the magnetic field across a closed hoop which is carrying current. Ampere’s law can be useful when measuring a high
Ampere’s Law Formula
Notations Used In Ampere’s Law Formula
- B is the magnetic field
- L is the infinitesimal length
- I is the current flowing through the closed-loop
- μ is the permeability
Solved Example
Question 1: Compute the magnetic field of a long straight wire that has a circular loop with a radius of 0.05m. 2amp is the reading of the current flowing through this closed loop.
R = 0.05m
I = 2amp
μ0 = 4π×10-7N/A2
Ampere’s law formula is
In the case of long straight wire
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