Ampere's Law Formula

Ampere’s law came to existence in 1826. The law talks about the sum of the magnetic field across a closed hoop which is carrying current. Ampere’s law can be useful when measuring high 

degree of symmetry for magnetic fields with current distributions.

Ampere’s Law Formula


Notations Used In Ampere’s Law Formula

  • B is the magnetic field
  • L is the infinitesimal length
  • I is the current flowing through the closed-loop
  • μ is the permeability

Solved Example

Question 1: Compute the magnetic field of a long straight wire that has a circular loop with a radius of 0.05m. 2amp is the reading of the current flowing through this closed loop.



R = 0.05m

I = 2amp

μ0 = 4π×10-7N/A2

Ampere’s law formula is


In the case of long straight wire





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