It is essential to gather appropriate study materials before you start studying for the exam. Practising previous year question papers are highly beneficial, because it gets you accustomed to the pattern of the exam, which will eventually make you confident. By solving the question papers, you understand the exam paper pattern, such as marks distribution and topics frequently asked. It is highly beneficial to solve the last 5-10 years question papers of every subject, in order to improve your paper solving time and approach. You are advised to solve these question papers mainly with the aim to improve the problem-solving skills, approach and time.
You can access the AP SSC Board study materials from here. You can also check out a few previous year question papers provided here, to score more in exams.
AP SSC Maths Question Papers | |
Maths Paper I | Maths Paper-II |
AP SSC Science Question Papers | |
Science Paper I | Science Paper-II |
We also provide effective resources such as the 10th SSC board exam question papers 2020 and other previous year papers from BYJU’S.
Benefits of Solving AP Class 10 Question Papers
Solving the Class 10 question papers will be very helpful. Here are the few benefits mentioned below:
- These question papers help you to revise a subject more thoroughly
- Solving the papers help you to manage time better
- A substantial part of the syllabus is covered in a lesser time
- You can familiarise with marks allotment and question paper pattern with the help of these papers
Stay tuned with BYJU’S to get the latest notification on SSC exams along with sample papers, exam pattern, marking scheme and more.