Bihar Board Class 12 (Intermediate 2nd Year) Biology Syllabus 2021-22

The Biology syllabus for Class 12 of Bihar Board offers a fresh perspective to the students about the subject. The Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Syllabus includes a variety of topics that cover a wide range everyday aspects of life. While topics such as Principles of Inheritance and Variation and Evolution educate the pupils about how living organisms take birth and grow, Strategies for Enhancement of Food Production and Microbes in Human Welfare introduces the students to the vital role that Biologists play in the overall improvement of quality of life. Students can refer to the Bihar Board Intermediate 2nd Year Class 12 Biology Syllabus and plan for their board exams preparation, accordingly.

Just like other science subjects that have scope for practical exams, the syllabus for Class 12 Biology also makes provision for practical section. The experiments are framed to further enhance the understanding of topics covered under the theory section.

Bihar Board 12th Syllabus with Marks Distribution

Have a look at the table below to know the weightage of each unit of Biology Subject. It covers the entire syllabus that is mentioned in the Bihar Board Class 12 Books.

Unit इकाई का नाम Weightage
Unit 1: Sexual Reproduction इकाई 1: लैंगिक जनन 06
Unit 2: Genetics and evolution इकाई 2: आनुवंशिकी तथा विकास 18
Unit 3: Biology & human welfare इकाई 3: जीव विज्ञान एवं मानव कल्याण 18
Unit 4: Biotechnology and its applications इकाई 4: जैव प्रद्योगिकी एवं इसका उपयोग 18
Unit 5: Ecology and environment इकाई 5: परिस्थितिकी तथा पर्यावरण 10
Total योग अंक 70

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Syllabus

An in-depth understanding of all the topics that are included in the syllabus forms a vital part of the preparations for final Class 12 (2nd Year Intermediate) Bihar State Board exams. Therefore, we have put together the official Biology syllabus for Class 12 of Bihar School Examination Board. However to know which topics are more important and often asked in the Biology paper of Bihar Board, students should practice the Bihar Board Class 12 Previous Year Question Papers.

Unit 1: Sexual Reproduction

  • Pollination and fertilization in flowering plants.
  • Development of seed and fruit
  • Human Reproduction: Reproductive system in male and females, menstrual cycle, production of gametes. Fertilization, implantation, embryo development, pregnancy and parturition.
  • Reproductive health-birth control, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases.

Unit 2: Genetics and evolution

  • Mendelian Inheritance
  • Chromosome theory of inheritance, Deviations from Mendelism ratio (Incomplete dominance, Codominance, Multiple alleles).
  • Sex determination in human beings: XX, XY
  • Linkage and crossing over
  • Inheritance pattern of haemophilia and blood groups in human beings.
  • DNA, replication, transcription, translation
  • Gene expression and regulation
  • Genome and Human Genome Project
  • DNA Fingerprinting
  • Evolution: Theories and evidences

Unit 3: Biology & human welfare

  • Animal Husbandry
  • Basic concepts of immunology, vaccines
  • Pathogens, parasites
  • Plant bleeding, tissue culture, food production
  • Microbes in household food processing, industrial production, Sewage treatment and energy generation
  • Cancer and AIDS
  • Adolescence and drug alcohol abuse

Unit 4: Biotechnology and its applications

  • Recombinant DNA technology
  • Applications in Health, Agriculture and Industry
  • Genetically modified (GM) organisms, Biosafety issues
  • Insulin and Bt.cotton

Unit 5: Ecology and environment

  • Organisms and Populations
  • Ecosystem
  • Biodiversity and its Conservation
  • Environmental Issues

We hope you find this information on “BSEB Class 12th Biology Syllabus” useful. Stay tuned for the latest update on Bihar Board Exam. Moreover, know the Bihar Board Class 12 Syllabus for all the subjects to score your overall performance in BSEB 12th Board exam.

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