Cartilaginous Joints

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A joint usually refers to a point where two or more joints meet each other. In simple words, it is a type of connection that is formed between two different bones in the skeletal system. In both animals and humans, joints function by providing the framework, which allows movement and is also involved in providing strength and support to the bones and the skeletal system.

The joints are mainly involved in rotating our shoulders, bending our elbows and knees, swivelling our necks, and a lot more. Based on the structure, functions, locality and movements, joints have been classified into various types.

Explore more: Joints

Let’s learn more in detail about the Cartilaginous Joints

What are the Cartilaginous Joints?

Cartilaginous joints are specialized types of joints, which are classified based on their structure. These joints are mainly involved in a slight movement, which lacks a joint cavity and comprises bones that are joined together either by fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage.

As per the name, cartilaginous joints are involved in uniting the adjacent bones by cartilage, a tough but flexible type of connective tissue.

Read more: Tissues

Features of Cartilaginous joints

  1. These types of joints lack a joint cavity.
  2. These joints are slightly movable joints.
  3. In these joints, the bones are united by cartilage.
  4. These joints are mainly limited to the axial skeleton, such as the vertebral column.
  5. These joints are found in those places where stability and strength are required instead of free movements.

Types of Cartilaginous Joints

The cartilaginous joints are further classified into two main types:

  • Primary cartilaginous joints

The primary cartilaginous joints are also called synchondrosis, which is mainly seen in developing appendicular bones. These joints allow only a little movement and are called temporary joints because at the age of 18-20 years the epiphyseal cartilage becomes rigid.

Examples of primary cartilaginous joints are:

  1. The first sternocostal joint
  2. Petrobasilar synchondrosis
  3. Neurocentral joints of vertebrae
  4. Spheno-occipital synchondrosis
  5. Joints between the ends and shaft of growing long bones.
  • Secondary cartilaginous joints

These joints are also called symphysis and are seen in axial bones. They are mainly formed by white fibrocartilage tissues. The secondary cartilaginous joints are permanent joints, which are slightly movable and their movements depend upon the sufficient amount of white-fibro cartilage tissues.

Examples of secondary cartilaginous joints are:

  1. Intervertebral discs
  2. Sacrococcygeal symphysis
  3. Symphysis pubis between the right and left pubic bones
  4. Manubriosternal joint between the sternal body and the manubrium

This article concludes with an introduction to cartilaginous joints, their types, structure and functions. To know more about joints, types of joints, other related topics and important questions, keep visiting our website at BYJU’S Biology.

Frequently Asked Questions on Cartilaginous Joints


What are the types of cartilaginous joints?

Primary cartilaginous joints and Secondary cartilaginous joints are the types of cartilaginous joints.


What are the features of cartilaginous joints?

They lack a joint cavity.
Joints are slightly movable
The bones are united by cartilage.


What is synchondrosis?

The primary cartilaginous joints are also called synchondrosis, which is mainly seen in developing appendicular bones.


What is symphysis?

The secondary cartilaginous joints are also called symphysis. They are seen in axial bones.


How cartilaginous joints are formed?

Cartilaginous joints are involved in uniting the adjacent bones by cartilage, which is a tough but flexible type of connective tissue.

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