Diabetes Diet


What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a group of diseases that appears when the human body contains more glucose or sugar in the blood. It is also known as diabetes mellitus.

The human body converts all carbohydrates and sugars into a special sugar called glucose. Cells utilize glucose to generate energy. Insulin induces the uptake of blood glucose into target tissues. If there is an insufficient amount of insulin in the blood, cells cannot use glucose, which leads to the accumulation of glucose. This condition leads to diabetes.

This generally occurs when the human body cannot produce insulin or it produces an insufficient amount of insulin or a combination of both. This can also occur when cells do not respond to insulin properly.

Types of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes: Pancreas is the organ of the human body that produces insulin. Type 1 is a condition where the pancreas produces an insufficient amount of insulin. Previously this was referred to as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and is treated with insulin injections.

Type 2 Diabetes: In this type, cells stop responding to insulin. This is also referred to as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. This is due to heavy weight and lack of exercise. Reduction in weight, a balanced diet, and proper exercise are the remedies for this.

Gestational Diabetes: This type can be seen in pregnant women. This is a condition when pregnant women with no previous history contain more sugar or glucose in their blood. It generally fixes after giving birth to a baby.

Diabetic Foods and Diet plans for Diabetes

Diabetes Diet

Taking a proper diet helps not only helps in the reduction of weight but also helps in controlling sugar levels in the blood. Diabetes patients should follow a healthy and balanced diet. The list of the following items may help.

  • Fries and masala items are to be reduced.
  • Sugars should be avoided to the maximum extent.
  • Carbonated drinks like soda, Pepsi etc., should be avoided.
  • Always fresh fruits and vegetables have to be taken instead of fruit juices etc.
  • Carbohydrates have a very big impact on blood sugar levels. So, foods that are rich in carbohydrates are to be avoided. Carbohydrates that are combined with fibre like sweet potatoes, brown rice, peas and leafy green vegetables can be taken.
  • Some fats can be damaging. So, the selection of fats is very important. Natural fats are good for diabetes patients while artificial fats can have a harmful effect on them. Fish, olive oil, nuts, avocados, tuna, and flaxseeds are rich sources of natural fats.

For more information about diabetes and its diet, visit us at BYJU’S.


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