Greek/ Latin Root: Dis Meaning: Apart/ Separate |
Examples of Root Words Starting with “Dis-”
- Dislocation
In medicine, a dislocation is described as an injury to a joint. The condition is said to occur when a bone (or bones) slips out from its joint. Example: A dislocated shoulder.
- Dissect (Latin: Dis + Secare = apart + to cut)
In anatomy, dissection is a term used to describe the process of dismembering the deceased body of a plant or an animal to study its anatomical form and structure.
- Disfigurement
Disfigurement is a state where an individual’s appearance is deeply harmed, usually from an injury, a birth defect or even disease. (Causes of disfigurement can include gunshot wound, penetrating trauma, leprosy etc)
- Disinfection
Disinfection is the process of cleaning a surface with anti-microbial substances and chemicals.
- Dissociative Disorder
Dissociative disorders are a group of mental disorders that are characterized by disconnection and a lack of continuity between memories, thoughts, actions, identity and surroundings.
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Further Reading:
Difference Between Disinfection and Sterilization – An Overview