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BYJU'S Admission Cum Scholarship Test

India’s Largest Offline Scholarship Test for

GRADE 4 -10

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Grey lineAugust 12 & 13, 2023Grey line
Slot #1
Date Icon12 - 08 - 2023
Time Icon12:30 - 01:30 PM
Slot #2
Date Icon12 - 08 - 2023
Time Icon02:00 - 03:00 PM
Slot #3
Date Icon13 - 08 - 2023
Time Icon11:00 - 12:00 PM
Slot #4
Date Icon13 - 08 - 2023
Time Icon06:00 - 07:00 PM

Test Highlights


Detailed Scorecard

Get a comprehensive scorecard with details of your All India, state, city Percentile, Percentage score, Subject wise analysis


Offline Test

Pen and paper based offline test conducted at the centre


Learning Skills Report

Detailed scores on aptitude parameters of Application, Retention and Reasoning presented


Get Upto 100% Scholarship

Opportunity for top rankers of the test to get upto 100% scholarship on programs at BYJU’S Tuition Centre

Why should you take BAST?

Grey lineSuccess = Hard Work x Learning Skills Grey line

BYJU’S Admission Cum Scholarship Test provides you with an opportunity to know where you stand nationally, with insights on key strengths, aptitude and development areas.
A realistic offline test experience that will help identify and measure learning skills like Application, Retention, Logical Reasoning to help you achieve your potential.
A chance to get 100% scholarship on programs offered at BYJU’S Tuition Centre in addition to a detailed insight on your capabilities.

How to Register

Verify your mobile number with OTP
Enter your details, choose your slot, centre and submit
You have now successfully registered for BYJU’S Admission Cum Scholarship Test

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Frequently Asked Questions

Any student studying in class 4-10 in any Board (CBSE, ICSE, State Boards, NIOS, etc.) can participate in BAST

  • Understand your position at National, state and city level
  • Insight into strengths and key areas for development
  • Know your potential and gaps with a view on future competitive exams
  • Scholarship opportunity for programs at BYJU’S Tuition Centre

BYJU’S Admission Cum Scholarship Test is free and open to all eligible students

Online on the BYJU'S website. Register using personal details and a valid mobile number

  • Class 4-5
    Section: 1 - Mathematical Ability, Number of Questions: 8
    Section: 2 - Verbal Ability, Number of Questions: 6
    Section: 3 - Logical Ability, Number of Questions: 6
    Section: 4 - EVS, Number of Questions: 10
  • Class 6-7
    Section: 1 - Mathematical Ability, Number of Questions: 10
    Section: 2 - Verbal Ability, Number of Questions: 6
    Section: 3 - Logical Ability, Number of Questions: 8
    Section: 4 - Science, Number of Questions: 10
  • Class 8-10
    Section: 1 - Mathematical Ability, Number of Questions: 14
    Section: 2 - Verbal Ability, Number of Questions: 10
    Section: 3 - Logical Ability, Number of Questions: 12
    Section: 4 - Science, Number of Questions: 14

  • Class 4-5
    Mathematical Ability
    Numerical operations, Everyday Maths, Lines and shapes, Measurements of figures, Data Handling
    Verbal Ability
    Noun, Pronoun, Verbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuations, Tenses, Gap Filling/Sentence, Word Meanings
    Logical Ability
    Patterns, Mirror Images, Blood Relations, Odd one out, Dates and Calendars, Direction sense and distances, Notational and logic based Mathematics
    Plants and Animals, Biology in Human Welfare, Natural Resources, Society and Lifestyle, Everyday Science
  • Class 6-7
    Mathematical Ability
    Number System, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Data Handling
    Verbal Ability
    Noun, Pronoun, Verbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuations, Clauses, Modal Auxiliaries, Gap Filling/Sentence, Dialogue Completion/Framing, Sentence or it's part - Reordering/Omission, Active and Passive Voice, Reported speech, Tenses, Phrases and Idioms
    Logical Ability
    Patterns, Mirror/Water Images, Blood Relations, Odd one out, Clocks, Venn Diagrams, Dates and Calenders, Direction sense and distances, Notational and logic based Mathematics
    Motion, Time and Distance, Electricity & Magnetism, Light: Reflection, Mirrors and Lenses, Heat and Temperature, Nutrition in Plants and Animals, Ecology: Environment and Waste Management, Everyday Science, Acids, bases and salts, Body Movements, Human Body: Respiration, Transportation, Reproduction, General chemistry
  • Class 8-9
    Mathematical Ability
    Number System, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Data Science
    Verbal Ability
    Noun, Pronoun, Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuations, Clauses, Modal Auxiliaries, Order of Words and Clauses, Direct, Indirect and Reported Speech, Active and Passive Voice, Phrases and Idioms, Tenses, Gap Filling/Sentence, Dialogue Completion/Framing, Sentence or it's part - Reordering/Omission, Determiners and Modals
    Logical Ability
    Patterns, Mirror/Water Images, Blood Relations, Odd one out, Speed and Distance Problems, Clocks, Venn Diagrams, Coding-Decoding, Dates and Calendars, Direction sense and distances, Figure Matrices, Notational and logic based Mathematics
    Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Light, Sound, Oscillations and Waves, Cell and Tissues, Natural Phenomena, Control and Coordination, Heredity and Evolution, Microorganisms, Crop Production and Management, Matter, Acids, bases and salts, Metals and Non-Metals, Periodic classification, Natural Resources and Sources of Energy, General chemistry, Environmental Science
  • Class 10
    Mathematical Ability
    Arithmetic, Algebra, Statistics and Probability, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Data Science
    Verbal Ability
    Verb Tenses, Modals, Subject – verb concord, Reported speech, Determiners, Clauses, Use of passive voice, Prepositions, Articles, Subject Verb Agreement, Parajumbles, Syllogism, Para completion, Work usage
    Logical Ability
    Patterns, Mirror/ Water Images, Blood Relations, Odd one out, Speed and Distance Problems, Clocks, Venn Diagrams, Coding-Decoding, Dates and Calendars, Direction sense and distances, Figure Matrices, Notational and logic based Mathematics
    Electrostats & Magnetism, Optics, Natural resources, Life Processes in Plants and Animals, Ecology, Chemical Reactions and Equations, Acids, Bases and Salts, Metals and Non-Metals, Carbon and its Compounds, Periodic Classification of Elements

  • Every correct answer gets +4 marks
  • There is no penalty for incorrect answers.

BYJU'S Admission Cum Scholarship Test is an offline test. The test will be conducted on August 12th & 13th, 2023 at the choice of your BYJU'S Tuition Centre. 2 slots each are available on 12th and 13th August.

BAST in an offline test. You can choose a convenient slot at the choice of your BYJU’S Tuition Centre.

No. A student can avail only one scholarship or discount at a time. Lowest calculated fee after availing a scholarship/discount will be applicable.

Yes. All eligible students, even existing students, can appear for BAST. But the scholarship availed can only be used for enrolling in fresh courses.

No, you can not. However, you can look for the next date options and make a fresh registration.

Yes, you can.

You can call on 900 900 2000 for any queries.

BYJU'S decision on Scholarship is final. BAST is based on internal parameters of BYJU'S. The applicant and the applicant's parents agree that BYJU'S shall not be held responsible for any loss/damage, caused to the applicant or the applicant's parent, due to the usage or placing reliance on BAST or the BAST results for any decision being made by the applicant's parent or the applicant. Applicant and applicant's parent agree that BYJU'S may use the data submitted by the applicant for its business.