CBSE Unseen Passage for Class 6

Unseen passages for Class 6 are an integral part of English. It plays an important role in the reading section of the English paper and holds a good weightage of approximately 10 to 20 marks in the exam. The unseen passages test the reading and comprehension ability of students. Also, it tests the writing ability as students need to write the answers in their own words. This article will help students to prepare the comprehension passage thoroughly. Here, we have provided CBSE Unseen Passage for Class 6 for students to practise. Also, we have provided the answers for each passage which will help students to evaluate their exam preparation.

Unseen Passage for Class 6 English

Unseen passages for Class 6 are asked under the reading section of the English exam. A long comprehension passage is provided to students, and questions are asked based on it. Students are required to go through the passage and find the answer from the passage. Then, they have to write the answer in their own words. Solving unseen passages takes time. So, students need to practise different sets of unseen passages before the exams so they can finish the entire paper in the allotted time.

Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 1

Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions.

Once there was a miser who sold all his possessions and, with the money, bought a great lump of gold, dug a deep hole at the edge of the garden, and there he buried his gold. Once a day, thereafter, the miser went to the garden, dug up his gold, and embraced it lovingly. One of the miser’s workmen wondered why his master spent so much time in the garden. One day, he hid behind a tree and soon discovered the secret of the hidden treasure. That night, when the miser was fast asleep, the workman crept into the garden and stole the lump of gold. When the miser found that his gold was gone, he tore his hair and cried aloud in his despair. A neighbour came running to see what the matter was, and the grief-stricken miser told him what had happened. Then the neighbours said, “Pray to stop your weeping. Go and find a stone. Place the stone in the hole and imagine that it is your lump of gold. The stone will serve your purpose, for you never meant to use the gold anyway.” “To a miser, what he has is of no more use than what he has not.”

1. How did the miser get the lump of gold?

a. By selling all he had

b. While digging the garden?

c. From his ancestors

d. From his neighbour

Correct Answer: Option (a)

2. Why did miser spend so much time in the garden?

a. He was a nature lover.

b. He liked watching children playing in the garden.

c. To keep an eye on his hidden treasure.

d. To change the place of his lump of gold.

Correct Answer: Option (c)

3. By whom was the gold stolen?

a. A thief

b. His neighbour

c. The miser’s workman

d. The miser himself

Correct Answer: Option (c)

4. The neighbour advised the miser to put a stone in the hole because ____.

a. Gold is like a stone only.

b. The miser would never use the gold, hence no difference between the two.

c. The stone will become gold after some time.

d. For a wise man, gold and stone have equal worth.

Correct Answer: Option (b)

5. Choose the most appropriate title for this story.

a. Gold and Stone

b. The Miser and His Gold

c. The Miser and His Neighbour

d. The Miser and His workman

Correct Answer: Option (b)

Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 2

Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions.

My next pet was a pigeon, the most revolting bird to look at, with his feathers pushing through the wrinkled scarlet skin, mixed with the horrible yellow down that covers baby pigeons and makes them look as though they have been peroxiding their hair. Because of his repulsive and obese appearance, we called him Quasimodo. Since he had an unorthodox upbringing, without parents to teach him, Quasimodo became convinced that he was not a bird at all, and refused to fly. He walked everywhere. He was always eager to join us in anything we did.

He would even try to come for walks with us. So you had to either carry him on your shoulder, which was risking an accident to your clothes, or else you let him walk behind. If you let him walk, then you had to slow down your own pace to suit his, for should you get too far ahead, you would hear the most frantic and imploring coos and turn around to find Quasimodo running desperately after you.

1. The narrator describes the pigeon as a ‘revolting bird’ because

(a) He could not fly

(b) He had to be carried everywhere

(c) He had wrinkled skin covered with yellow feathers

(d) He was fat

Correct Answer: Option (c)

2. Quasimodo got his name because

(a) He was fat and ugly

(b) He was attractive

(c) He could not fly

(d) He loves behaving like human beings

Correct Answer: Option (a)

3. We know that Quasimodo was always eager to go on walks because

(a) He walked everywhere

(b) He did not know how to fly

(c) He complained loudly if he was not taken along

(d) He always copied whatever humans did

Correct Answer: Option (a)

4. Quasimodo protested when he was

(a) Left at home

(b) Lifted on human shoulders

(c) Taken for a walk

(d) Left behind during walks.

Correct Answer: Option (d)

5. The phrase ‘risking an accident to your clothes’ means

(a) The bird pecked at their clothes

(b) There was a chance of the bird soiling their clothes

(c) The bird risked a fall

(d) The bird did not like their clothes

Correct Answer: Option (b)

Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 3

Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions.

A telephone conversation between two friends, Sanjay and Pankaj, took place on a Thursday


Sanjay: Hello Pankaj. How are you? You have been absent from school for the last 2 days.

Pankaj: Hi Şanjay! I had food poisoning. Anyway, I’m better now and will be going back to school tomorrow.

Sanjay: Did you eat something which was contaminated?

Pankaj: Well, I took fried oyster and some noodles at the food centre on Tuesday night. Most likely, it was the former. It could not have been the chicken rice or fish balls I took at our school canteen during recess.

Sanjay: Oh, I see.

Pankaj: Can you please tell me if there’s any homework to be done?

Sanjay: Yes, Mrs. Boon is going to conduct a Science test for our class tomorrow.

Pankaj: Thanks for letting me know. Did she say which chapters will be tested?

Sanjay: Yes, she did. The test is going to cover the chapters on “Magnets”, “Classification of Materials” and “Life Cycles of Plants”.

Pankaj: That’s a relief. I am only unfamiliar with the chapter on “Magnets”. A quick revision is all I’ll need. Thanks and see you tomorrow.

Sanjay: You’re welcome. Bye and take care.

1. What does Pankaj want to know about class from Sanjay?

(a) Mrs. Boon had given the class some homework.

(b) Mrs. Boon was going to conduct a class test.

(c) There was going to be a class test.

(d) There was any homework.

Correct Answer: Option (d)

2. Sanjay and Pankaj are

(a) Best friends

(b) Schoolmates

(c) Neighbours

(d) Classmates

Correct Answer: Option (d)

3. Why was Pankaj relieved upon learning the chapters to be tested? She was relieved because

(a) She had already studied all the chapters thoroughly.

(b) She was good at the subject.

(c) She had already studied one of the chapters to be tested.

(d) She was familiar with two of the chapters to be tested.

Correct Answer: Option (d)

4. What did Pankaj suspect was the cause of her food poisoning? She suspected that it was the ___ which she had eaten.

(a) Noodles

(b) Fishballs

(c) Fried oysters

(d) Chicken rice

Correct Answer: Option (c)

5. On which days were Pankaj absent from school? She was absent on

(a) Monday and Tuesday

(b) Tuesday and Wednesday

(c) Wednesday and Thursday

(d) Thursday and Friday

Correct Answer: Option (b)

Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 4

Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions.

Newspapers are our good friends. Life without Newspapers is a waste. Newspapers bring us news and views from all corners of the world. Any incident or occurrence of importance that

takes place as reported by the newspapers. The word ‟NEWS‟ is interpreted as North, East,

West and South. It means that the newspaper provides us with information and news regarding various subjects from all directions. Newspapers also give us articles on all kinds of topics such as political, social, economic monetary, business, commerce, sports, education, health etc. Newspapers publish advertisements that attract the attention of the customers.

They also contain book reviews of literary, historical and other books by the scholars. Newspapers are of different types. Some newspapers are published daily. They are called “Dailies‟. We must cultivate the habit of reading newspapers to know what is happening around the globe. The one who reads newspapers and interprets editorial pages can only be master in current affairs and general knowledge. Reading newspapers helps you to find out what news is and how it is written. The one who dreams of being a journalist should not spare a day without reading the newspaper. They should be aware about the editorial and be well versed with vocabulary. We will get to know news from all the countries if we read newspapers regularly. If we are reading the newspapers seriously, it will also help to shine in competitive examinations.

1. What kind of articles are published in newspapers?

a) Educational and health related

b) Political, social, sports and games related

c) Economic monetary, business, commerce related

d) All the above

Correct Answer: Option (d)

2. What are the benefits of reading an editorial page?

a) One can become a businessman

b) One can become a poet

c) One can get mastery in current affairs

d) One can pass the elite exam

Correct Answer: Option (c)

3. Newspapers publish advertisements attract:

a) Attention of foreigners

b) Attention of tourists

c) Attention of customers

d) Attention of air hostess

Correct Answer: Option (c)

4. How do newspapers help the students?

a) He can get knowledge of current affairs

b) He can shine in competitive examinations

c) He can enhance his vocabulary

d) All the above

Correct Answer: Option (d)

5. Who is a journalist?

a) Daily news reader

b) Press reporter

c) Book reviewer

d) Script editor

Correct Answer: Option (b)

Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 5

Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions.

Dry fruits are useful in various diseases of the brain, muscles and tissues. Almonds have unique properties to remove brain weakness and strengthen it. Almond preserves the vitality of the brain, strengthen the muscles, destroy diseases originating from nervous and bilious disorders. Walnut is another dry fruit that possesses wonderful qualities of curing brain weakness. According to Dr. Johnson, almonds, figs, grapes, dates, apples, and oranges are rich in phosphoric elements and should normally be used by brain workers. Phosphorus nourishes the vital tissues of the body. It keeps the mind full of enthusiasm for more work.

1. Dry fruits are useful because they

(a) Strengthen our heart

(b) Cure various diseases of the brain, muscles and tissues

(c) Give confidence to us

(d) Empower us to do challenging tasks.

Correct Answer: Option (b)

2. Which one is not a property of almonds?

(a) It preserves the vitality of the brain

(b) It strengthens the muscles

(c) It destroys diseases originating from nervous and bilious disorders

(d) It strengthens our digestive system.

Correct Answer: Option (d)

3. Phosphoric element is profusely found in

(a) Almonds, figs, grapes, dates, apples and oranges

(b) Almonds, figs, papayas, guavas and pineapples

(c) All the green vegetables

(d) Seasonal fruits.

Correct Answer: Option (a)

4. Brain workers should take fruits rich in phosphoric elements because

(a) They remove brain weakness

(b) They nourish the vital tissues of the body

(c) They keep the mind full of enthusiasm

(d) All the above.

Correct Answer: Option (d)

5. The word “Unique” means the same as

(a) Ordinary

(b) Highly qualified

(c) Unusual

(d) Distinctive

Correct Answer: Option (d)

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