Acids have a sour taste, turn blue litmus red when mixed with water, and dissolve in water to release H+ ions.

Sulphuric acid, acetic acid, nitric acid, are some examples.

Bases have a bitter taste, a soapy touch, turn red litmus blue, and produce hydroxide ions (OH–) in water.

Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), calcium hydroxide, and potassium hydroxide are some examples (caustic potash).

Salts are ionic compounds formed as a result of the neutralisation reaction between acid and base. Salts have no electrical charge. There are several salts, but sodium chloride is the most common. Table salt or common salt are other names for sodium chloride. Sodium chloride is used to improve the flavour of food.

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Chemistry Worksheets Class 10 on Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers - Set 3
Chemistry Worksheets Class 10 on Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers - Set 3
Chemistry Worksheets Class 10 on Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers - Set 3

CBSE Class 10 Chemistry Worksheet Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts – Set 3

Q1. pH scale rangers from-

a.) 0 – 7

b.) 7 – 14

c.) 1 – 14

d.) 0 – 14

Q2. The indicator which undergoes change in smell are:

a.) Litmus

b.) universal indicator

c.) olfactory indicator

d.) pH

Q3. Which of the following acid is present in the stomach?

a.) Sulphuric acid

b.) Hydrochloric acid

c.) Nitric acid

d.) Carbonic acid

Q4. Sodium hydroxide can be prepared by which of the following process?

a.) Electrolysis

b.) Chlor-alkali process

c.) Both (a) and (b)

d.) None of the above

Q5. The number of molecules of water of crystallisation present in washing soda crystals is:

a.) 5

b.) 7

c.) 2

d.) 10

Q6. What happens when Nitric acid is added to egg shell?

Q7. What are the general characteristics of acids?

Q8. During summer season, a milkman usually adds a small amount of baking soda to fresh milk. Give reason.

Q9. Name the gas evolved when NaOH reacts with zinc.

Q10. Explain how an antacid works.

Q11. What is a universal indicator? Give its use.

Q12. An aqueous solution of an acid conducts electricity. Give reason.

Q13. A cloth strip dipped in onion juice is used for testing a liquid ‘X. The liquid ‘X changes its

odour. Which type of an indicator is onion juice? The liquid ‘X turns blue litmus red. List the observations the liquid ‘X will show on reacting with the following :

a.) Zinc granules

b.) Solid sodium carbonate

Write the chemical equations for the reactions involved.

Q14. Write the name and the formula of each of the following:

a.) an acidic salt

b.) a basic salt

Q15. A gas X reacts with lime water and form a compound Y which is used as a bleaching agent. Identify X and Y. Give the chemical equation of the reaction involved.

Q16. How will you prove that a given salt is a carbonate of a metal?

Q17. How would you distinguish between baking powder and washing soda?

Q18. Answer the following:

a.) What are alkalis?

b.) Which acid is present in tomato?

c.) How can carbon dioxide gas and hydrogen gas be confirmed?

d.) What will be the effect of dry HCl on litmus paper?

Q19. i.) A substance X used as an antacid reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce a gas Y which is used in extinguishers.

а.) Name the substances X and Y.

b.) Write a balanced equation of the reaction between X and hydrochloric acid.

ii.) What is efflorescence?

Q20. a.) Name a sodium compound used for softening hard water.

b.) Which compound of calcium is used for disinfecting drinking water supply?

c.) Name a strong monobasic acid.

d.) Name the substance obtained by the action of chlorine on solid slaked lime.

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