Cobalt is an inner transition metal with an atomic number of 29. It is often symbolised by the symbol Co and has an electronic configuration of [Ar] 3d7 4s2. It is a rigid, shiny, silver-grey metal produced by reductive smelting.

Cobalt is an essential component of vitamin B-12 and is crucial for appropriate cell functioning. It helps in the production of red blood cells and antibacterial and antiviral compounds that stop infection. The deficiency of cobalt can even lead to anaemia.

Definition: Cobalt is an inner transition metal with the symbol Co and atomic number 27. It has an electronic configuration of [Ar] 3d7 4s2.

Cobalt Chemistry Questions with Solutions

Q1. What is the atomic number of cobalt?

(a) 27

(b) 28

(c ) 29

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) The atomic number of cobalt is 27.

Q2. What is the electronic configuration of cobalt?

(a) [Ar] 3d7 4s2

(b) [Ar] 3d8 4s2

(c ) [Ar] 3d9 4s2

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) The electronic configuration of cobalt is [Ar] 3d7 4s2.

Q3. Cobalt is a member of which group of elements of the periodic table?

(a) Alkaline earth metals

(b) Inner transition metals

(c ) Alkali metals

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Cobalt is a member of inner transition metals of the periodic table.

Q4. Cobalt is ______ element.

(a) Paramagnetic

(b) Diamagnetic

(c ) Ferromagnetic

(d) None of the above

Answer: (c ) Cobalt is a ferromagnetic element.

Q5. Is cobalt a constituent of?

(a) Biotin

(b) Folic acid

(c ) Vitamin B12

(d) None of the above

Answer: (c ) Cobalt is a constituent of vitamin B12.

Q6. What is cobalt?

Answer: Cobalt is an inner transition metal with an atomic number of 29. It is often symbolised by the symbol Co and has an electronic configuration of [Ar] 3d7 4s2. It is a rigid, shiny, silver-grey metal produced by reductive smelting.

Q7. What are the properties of cobalt?

Answer: Cobalt is an inner transition metal with an atomic number of 29. It is often symbolised by the symbol Co and has an electronic configuration of [Ar] 3d7 4s2. A few properties of cobalt are mentioned below.

1. It is a rigid, ferromagnetic, silver-grey, shiny, malleable and ductile metal.

2. It is stable in the air and does not react with atmospheric oxygen or moisture.

3. It can be magnetised.

4. It reacts slowly with dilute acids.

5. It melts at 1495 °C and boils at 2927 °C.

Q8. What are the uses of cobalt?

Answer: Cobalt is an inner transition metal with an atomic number of 29. It is often symbolised by the symbol Co and has an electronic configuration of [Ar] 3d7 4s2. A few uses of cobalt are mentioned below.

1. Cobalt is used to manufacture magnetic, wear-resistant and high-strength alloys.

2. Cobalt is used in dental implants, gas turbines, and orthopaedic implants.

3. Cobalt is used as a catalyst for the petroleum and chemical industries.

4. Cobalt is used in medical treatment and irradiated food.

5. Cobalt is used as a drying agent for paints and inks.

6. Cobalt is used in lithium-ion batteries.

Q9. What is the position of cobalt in the periodic table?

Answer: Cobalt is an inner transition metal with an atomic number of 29. It is placed in group 9 and period IV of the periodic table.

Q10. Name some ores of cobalt.

Answer: Some ores of cobalt are as follows.

1. Cobaltite

2. Smaltite

3. Chloranthite

4. Linnaeite

Q11. Does cobalt react with water?

Answer: Cobalt does not react with the water at room temperature. However, cobalt does react with water to form pink Hexa aqua cobalt (II) ion – [Co(H2O)6]2+.

Q12. How many bonds can cobalt form?

Answer: Cobalt can form six-coordinate bonds. In which it occupies twelve electrons.

Q13. Does the human body need cobalt?

Answer: Yes, the human body needs cobalt. Cobalt is an essential component of vitamin B-12 and is crucial for appropriate cell functioning. It helps in the production of red blood cells and antibacterial and antiviral compounds that stop infection.

The deficiency of cobalt can even lead to anaemia.

Q14. What is cobalt poisoning?

Answer: Cobalt poisoning refers to the intoxication caused by increased levels of cobalt in the human body. Cobalt is an essential component of vitamin B-12 and is crucial for appropriate cell functioning. However, an excess amount of cobalt can affect us harshly. It can cause heart muscle disease, deafness, nerve problems, blood thickening, thyroid problems and vision problems.

Q15. What are the sources of cobalt?

Answer: Cobalt forms part of the structure of vitamin B12. It is crucial for appropriate cell functioning, production of red blood cells and antibacterial and antiviral compounds that stop infection. Some excellent sources of cobalt are mentioned below.

1. Fish

2. Nuts

3. Green leafy vegetables like broccoli and spinach

4. Whole wheat

Practise Questions on Cobalt

Q1. Is cobalt a metal?

Q2. Why is cobalt used in batteries?

Q3. Which disease is caused by a deficiency of cobalt? What are its symptoms?

Q4. Give one of the uses of cobalt-60 other than cancer treatment.

Q5. Why is Cobalt-60 used to treat cancer?

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