Cohesive Force

What is Cohesive Force?

Cohesion, also known as cohesive attraction or cohesive force, is the action or property of molecules adhering to one another due to mutual attraction.

The force of attraction between two comparable substances or molecules is known as the cohesion force. Cohesion is exemplified by water. Each water molecule makes hydrogen bonds with molecules next to it. Cohesive Force is the action or property of comparable molecules adhering to one another due to their mutual attraction. Surface tension is created by cohesion, which creates a solid-like state on which lightweight or low-density materials can be deposited.

Table of Contents

Adhesive and Cohesive Forces

The force of attraction between two different molecules is known as adhesive force. For instance, consider the attraction between water and air molecules. The cohesive force is the attraction between two molecules that are comparable. For instance, consider the attraction between water molecules.

The attraction between molecules of the same kind is known as a cohesive force. For example, the force of cohesion between water molecules keeps the substance’s molecules bonded together. The attraction between different types of molecules is known as adhesion force. For example, when a glass of water is emptied, the particles remain stuck to the glass due to the molecular adhesion between the water and the glass.

The attractive forces between dissimilar substances, such as mechanical forces (sticking together) and electrostatic forces, are referred to as “adhesive forces” (attraction due to opposing charges). Adhesion causes a liquid to cling to the surface it is resting on in the case of a liquid wetting agent.

Cohesion Force in Liquids

Water is highly cohesive, it is the highest of the non-metallic liquids. Water is sticky and clumps together into drops because of its cohesive properties, but chemistry and electricity are involved at a more detailed level to make this possible.

The surface of a liquid contracts to the smallest possible surface area due to cohesive forces between molecules. Surface tension is the common term for this phenomenon. Cohesive forces pull molecules on the surface inward, lowering the surface area. Because they have neighbours on all sides, molecules inside the liquid experience zero net force.

Cohesive forces are attractive forces between molecules of the same sort. Because cohesive forces hold the molecules together, liquids can be held in open containers. Adhesive forces are the attractive forces that exist between molecules of various sorts. Liquid drips, for example, adhere to glass panes as a result of such forces. We will look at the effects of cohesive and adhesive forces in liquids in this section.

Cohesive Force Example

Water is a good example of a cohesive substance. Dihydrogen monoxide (HOH) molecules, which have two hydrogens and one oxygen, make up water. Take a look at the schematic diagram of a water molecule’s chemical structure. The molecule has polarity, which is defined as the presence of two opposed charges. The hydrogens have a slightly positive charge, resulting in a partially positive pole, whereas the oxygen has a slightly negative charge, resulting in a partially negative pole. The polarity of water molecules causes them to cling together or attract one another.

A cohesive force holds water molecules together. This force is an intermolecular hydrogen bond, which is a weak or temporary sort of chemical connection. It is formed when one HOH’s hydrogen reacts with the hydrogen of another HOH. As a result, as they cohere, they create a water drop.

Surface Tension

Surface tension is the tension in a liquid’s surface layer caused by the attraction of surface particles by the bulk of the liquid, which strives to decrease surface area. Surface tension is used when the liquid’s surface is sufficiently strong. It can support a lot of weight.

Surface tension is also responsible for certain insects remaining stationary above the water or walking through it. Notice how the water strider can stand motionless without dropping its legs below the water’s surface in the shot below.

The key variables that enable capillarity are surface tension, cohesion, and adhesion. This is particularly significant in vascular plants. Capillary action allows water to travel up a tight tube against gravity. The molecules of the liquid are drawn inward from the surface by surface tension, resulting in the smallest possible surface area. The water molecules then adhere to each other due to cohesion.

Frequently Asked Questions on Cohesive Force


What is the difference between adhesive and cohesive force?

As for the definitions, the tendency of two or more different molecules to bond with each other is known as Adhesion, whereas the force of attraction between the same molecules is known as Cohesion.


What is an example of cohesiveness?

The definition of cohesiveness is two or more people or things that stick together. An example of cohesiveness is a group of people working toward a common goal.


What are examples of cohesion and adhesion?

A water drop is composed of water molecules that like to stick together, an example of the property of cohesion. In the picture of pine needles above, the water droplets are stuck to the end of the pine needles-an example of the property of adhesion.


What is the meaning of cohesiveness in chemistry?

Cohesion refers to the attraction of molecules for other molecules of the same kind, and water molecules have strong cohesive forces thanks to their ability to form hydrogen bonds with one another.


What are cohesive forces in liquids?

Attractive forces between molecules of the same type are called cohesive forces. Liquids can, for example, be held in open containers because cohesive forces hold the molecules together. Such forces cause liquid drops to cling to window panes, for example.

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