Difference Between Isotropic And Anisotropic

Isotropic refers to the properties of a material which is independent of the direction whereas anisotropic is direction-dependent. These two terms are used to explain the properties of the material in basic crystallography. The mechanical and physical properties can be easily affected based on the atom orientation in crystals. Some examples of isotropic materials are cubic symmetry crystals, glass, etc. Some examples of anisotropic materials are composite materials, wood, etc. Below are a few differences between isotropic and anisotropic materials.

Difference Between Isotropic And Anisotropic

Characteristics Isotropic Anisotropic
Properties Direction independent Direction-dependent
Refractive index Only one More than one
Chemical bonding Consistent Uncertain
Uses Lenses Polarizers
Light passes through it No Yes
Velocity of light Same in all directions Different
Appearance Dark Light
Double refraction No Yes
Example Glass Wood

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Difference between Crystalline And Amorphous
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