
What is Enolate?

Enolates, also known as oxyallyl anions, are flexible reagents that may be used to make -substituted carbonyl compounds, making them crucial intermediates in the synthesis of complex molecules. Because the stereochemical result of an enolate reaction is typically determined by the geometry of the enolate, enolate production is a crucial stage in many bond-forming reactions.

There are only two types of enolates: those with the metal closer to the oxygen atom and those with the metal closer to the carbon atom. Enolates from Groups I, II, and III exist as O-metal tautomers. These highly electropositive metals form a strong bond with the oxygen atom. Both forms of enolates are found in transition metal enolates. The cation is coupled with a delocalized enolate anion in a few transition metal enolates.

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Enolate Formation

Nucleophiles are enolates, which are created when a strong base abstracts the hydrogen atom. As bases, lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) or sodium hydride are needed. The acidity of the two potential hydrogen atoms is connected to the location of proton abstraction, which is in the order primary > secondary > tertiary. Alkylated ketones are formed when an enolate reacts with an alkyl halide. Proton exchange between the original enolate and the alkylated ketone, followed by alkylation of that enolate ion, might result in multiple alkylation.

Enolates can also be made using alkyllithium reagents and enol esters or silyl enol ethers. House devised a method for allowing these enolates to react with aldehydes to produce the appropriate aldols.

Aza enolates are nitrogen analogues of enolates. They are also known as imine anions, enamides, metallated Schiff bases, and metalloenzymes. Imines are converted to highly nucleophilic aza enolates when they are treated with strong bases like LDA.

Enolates are far more valuable in synthetic applications than enols (although they react analogously). To produce an enolate, we need to know what types of reaction circumstances are required, especially what bases we can utilise.

Enolate Structure

Magnetic resonance studies (NMR) and X-ray crystallography have been used to investigate the structures of enolates. Depending on the enolate structure, the type of the cation, and the solvent, solvated enolates occur as dimers, tetramers, or hexamers.

Few crystal structures of ester enolates have been described. The fact that the ester enolates undergo -elimination reactions at or below room temperature accounts for the absence of structural information. The crystal structures of lithium enolates generated from t-butyl propionate, t-butyl isobutyrate, and methyl 3,3-dimethylbutanoate are reported in the same work, along with a good description of the temperatures at which lithium ester enolates undergo this elimination. Two of the lithium ester enolates formed from and are both synthesised with alkene geometry in which the alkyl group is trans to the enolate oxygen, which is noteworthy.

Enol vs Enolate

Enols, enolates, and enamines are three types of organic compounds. Enols are sometimes known as alkenols. This is because an enol is made by combining an alkene group with an alcohol group. Enols have a reactive structure because they are intermediary molecules in chemical reactions.

Enols are the building blocks of enolates. The conjugate base of an enol is called an enolate. When a hydrogen atom is removed from the hydroxyl group of an enol, an enolate is formed. Enamines are amine compounds containing a double bond between the amine group and the carbon atom. The chemical reactivity of enolates and enamines is nearly comparable.

Enols have a hydroxyl group adjacent to a C=C double bond, whereas enolates have a negative charge on the oxygen atom of an enol and enamines have an amine group next to a C=C double bond.

Frequently Asked Questions on Enolate


How are enolates formed?

The reaction of carbonyl compounds with sodium hydride is heterogeneous and slow, sodium enolates are formed with the loss of hydrogen, and no other organic compounds are produced. If the formed enolate is stabilised by more than one carbonyl it is possible to use a weaker base such as sodium ethoxide.


Are enolates ketones?

Enolates are nucleophiles and ketones are electrophiles – therefore there is always the potential problem for self-condensation.


Why are enolates more reactive than enols?

Due to their negative charges, enolates are better nucleophiles and more versatile than enols. Since the negative charge of an enolate anion is delocalized between the α-carbon and oxygen, electrophiles may bond to either atom.


How are enolates stabilised?

In particular, α hydrogens are weakly acidic because the conjugate base, called an enolate, is stabilised through conjugation with the π orbitals of the carbonyl. Of the two resonance structures of the enolate ion, the one which places the negative charge on the oxygen is the most stable.


Why are enolates important?

Enolates, or oxyallyl anions, are versatile reagents for the formation of α-substituted carbonyl compounds and are therefore important intermediates for the synthesis of complex molecules.

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