Fission and Fusion Difference


Fission and fusion reactions are different kinds of chain reactions where energy is released due to the presence of powerful hydrogen bonds between the particles found inside a nucleus. The result of these reactions are a number of multiple reactions occurring quickly and are uncontrollable. This kind of reactions can lead to the splitting up of heavy isotopes such as Uranium-235 or even combining of light isotopes such as Hydrogen-3 and Hydrogen-2.

Fission and Fusion Difference

Fission reactions occur when the neutrons get bombarded with unstable isotopes. This kind of reactions is very difficult to control. But the initial conditions are relatively simpler to achieve. In a fission reaction, an atom splits into 2 or more lighter and smaller atoms. Many highly radioactive particles are produced during a fission reaction.

A fusion reaction occurs when two or more lighter, smaller atoms fuse together creating a heavier and larger atom. High temperature and a high-density environment are required for a fusion reaction.  Extremely high energy is required to achieve this reaction. But the energy released in this reaction is 3 to 4 times greater than the energy released in a fission reaction.


Differences between Fission and Fusion

Fission Reaction

Fusion Reaction

A fission reaction is splitting up of a large atom or a molecule into two or more smaller ones. Fusion is the process of combination of two or more lighter atoms or molecules into larger ones.
Fission reaction doesn’t occur normally in nature. Fusion reaction process occurs in the stars, like in the sun, etc.
This reaction produces highly radioactive substances. Few number of radioactive particles are developed by the process of a fusion reaction.
Neutrons must be slowed down by moderation to increase their capture probability in fission reactors. This process requires high-temperature, high-density environment.
This process consumes a very little amount of energy to break up the atoms. High amount of energy is consumed to combine protons so that the nuclear forces can overcome the electrostatic repulsion.
The energy released during the process of fission is much larger than that of the released energy in other chemical reactions. The energy released by the process of fusion is around 3-4 times much greater than that of the energy liberated by the process of fission.
Fission process is utilized in the nuclear power plant. Fusion process is one of the experimental technologies for the production of power.
Uranium is one of the primary fuels used for the process of fission in power plants. The isotopes of hydrogen such as the Deuterium & Tritium are some of the primary fuels used in the experimental process of fusion power plants.
A fission bomb is one kind of nuclear weapon which is also known as atom bomb or an atomic bomb. A hydrogen bomb is one class of fusion bomb.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What is nuclear fission?

Nuclear Fission is a type of nuclear reaction in which the splitting of a nucleus into two daughter nuclei takes place.

What are the types of nuclear reactions?

The following are the types of nuclear reactions:
Nuclear Fission
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear Decay

What is nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy is the energy released during nuclear reactions like nuclear fission or nuclear fusion.

What is a nuclear fusion reaction?

Nuclear fusion is a type of nuclear reaction in which two lighter nuclei combine to form a heavier one.

Nuclear reactors use which type of reaction to generate electricity?

Nuclear reactors use nuclear fission reactions to generate electricity.
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