Triphenylphosphine - Ph3P

What is Triphenylphosphine?

Triphenylphosphine with IUPAC name: triphenylphosphane is a common organophosphorus compound with the formula P(C6H5)3 that is frequently abbreviated as PPh3 or Ph3P. It is widely used in organic and organometallic compound synthesis because it is an effective reducing agent as well as a neutral ligand. At room temperature, PPh3 crystals are relatively air-stable and colourless. Non-polar organic solvents such as benzene and diethyl ether dissolve it.

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Preparation of Triphenylphosphine – Ph3P

In the laboratory, triphenylphosphine can be synthesised by reacting phosphorus trichloride with phenylmagnesium bromide or phenyl lithium.

PCl3 + 3C6H5MgBr → P(C6H5)3 + 3MgClBr

PCl3 + 3C6H5Li → P(C6H5)3 + 3LiCl

The reaction between phosphorus trichloride, chlorobenzene, and sodium is used in industrial synthesis.

PCl3 + 3PhCl + 6Na → PPh3 + 6 NaCl

Structure of Triphenylphosphine – Ph3P

The Triphenylphosphine molecule has 36 bonds in total. There are 21 non-H bonds, 18 multiple bonds, 3 rotatable bonds, 18 aromatic bonds, 3 six-membered rings, and 1 phosphane (s).

Triphenylphosphine crystallises in both triclinic and monoclinic forms. In both cases, the molecule has a pyramidal structure with three phenyl groups arranged in a propeller-like pattern.

Triphenylphosphine’s central phosphorus atom is sp3 hybridized. The phosphorus atom is directly connected to three phenyl groups via a P – C sigma bond, and one sp3 hybridised orbital contains a single pair of electrons.

Properties of Triphenylphosphine – Ph3P

It is a white crystalline solid with a density of 1.1 g/cm3. At room temperature, triphenylphosphine is colourless and relatively air-stable. It has a lower polarity. The dipole moment is about 1.42D. It is soluble in nonpolar organic solvents like benzene and diethyl ether.

Triphenylphosphine has a melting point of 350K and a boiling point of 650K.

Formula C18H15P / (C6H5)3P
Molecular mass 262.3 g/mol
Boiling point 377°C
Melting point 80°C
Density 1.1 g/cm3
Solubility in water, mg/l at 25°C 0.09 (insoluble)
Vapour pressure, Pa at 50°C 0.017

Toxic Nature: Triphenylphosphine is a poisonous substance found in nature. When it comes into contact with our skin, respiratory system, or eyes, it can cause irritation.

Reactions of Triphenylphosphine – Ph3P

Triphenylphosphine reactions include:


Triphenylphosphine is slowly oxidised by air to produce triphenylphosphine oxide.

2PPh3 + O2 → 2OPPh3

Sulfur is extracted from polysulfide compounds, episulphides, and elemental sulphur by triphenylphosphine.


Cl2 reacts with PPh3 to form triphenylphosphine dichloride ([PPh3Cl]Cl), which exists as the moisture-sensitive phosphonium halide. In organic synthesis, this reagent is used to convert alcohols to alkyl chlorides.

2Ph3PCl2 + NH2OH·HCl + Ph3P → {[Ph3P]2N}Cl + 4HCl + Ph3PO


PPh3 is an ineffective base. With strong acids such as HBr, it forms isolable triphenylphosphonium salts:

P(C6H5)3 + HBr → [HP(C6H5)3]+Br–

Uses of Triphenylphosphine – Ph3P

  • Triphenylphosphine is used in the synthesis of Chlorambucil, which has been shown to be cytotoxic in breast and pancreatic cancers.
  • It is also used to make -Tocopherol analogues for monitoring antioxidant status.
  • Triphenylphosphine is used in a variety of applications, including sensitizers, heat stabilisers, light stabilisers, antioxidants, flame retardants, antistatic agents, rubber antiozonants, and analytical reagents.
  • Triphenylphosphine is used in the synthesis of vitamin D2, vitamin A, clindamycin, and other drugs.
  • The Wittig reaction, which converts aldehydes and ketones to alkenes, was Ph3P’s first significant use in organic synthesis.
  • Triphenylphosphine is also used as a transition metal-ligand in olefin polymerizations and in the Suzuki, Mitsunobu, and Appel reactions.
  • In homogeneous catalysis, triphenylphosphine is a standard ligand.

Frequently Asked Questions on Triphenylphosphine – Ph3P


What kind of ligand is Triphenylphosphine?

L-type ligands are phosphonates. Unlike most metal ammine complexes, metal phosphine complexes are lipophilic and have good solubility in organic solvents.


Is triphenylphosphine an effective nucleophile?

Triphenylphosphine is an excellent nucleophile but an ineffective base.


Is Ph3P toxic?

Triphenylphosphine is a poisonous substance found in nature. When it comes into contact with our skin, respiratory system, or eyes, it can cause irritation.


Is triphenylphosphine a base?

Triphenylphosphine is an ineffective base. When combined with strong acid [HBr] or an alkyl halide, it produces triphenylphosphonium salts. Since it has a lone pair that can be donated to another molecule, it is classified as a Lewis base.


What is the molecular formula of Triphenylphosphine?

The molecular formula of Triphenylphosphine is C18H15P or (C6H5)3P.

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