Werner's Theory

What is Werner’s Theory of Coordination Compounds? 

In 1893 Werner produced a theory to explain the structures, formation and nature of bonding in the coordination compounds. This theory is known as Werner’s theory of coordination compounds.

Werner was the first inorganic chemist to be awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1913. He studied many complex compounds obtained from the reaction between cobalt chloride and ammonia.

Table of Contents

The Postulate of Werner’s Theory

The central metals of coordination compounds exhibit two types of valencies

  1. Primary Valency
  2. Secondary valency

 1. Primary Valency

  • Primary valencies are those which a metal exhibits in the formation of simple salts. e.g. CoCl3 , NaCl, CuSO4 etc.
  • In modern terminology it represents the oxidation number of metal.

e.g. the primary valencies of Co in CoCl3 is 3,  and oxidation state +3 

Similarly, for NaCl, oxidation state of Na is +1, for CuSO4, oxidation state of Cu is +2

  • The primary valencies are ionizable.
  • These are written outside the coordination sphere.
  • These are non-directional and do not give any geometry to complex compound

Example: [Co(NH3)6] Cl3, number of primary valencies 3, oxidation state +3

Primary Valency

2. Secondary Valency

  • The secondary valency of metals is either by negative ions or neutral molecules or both.
  • In modern terminology it represents the coordination number of the metal.
  • Secondary valencies are written inside the coordination sphere.
  • These are directional in nature and give definite geometry to the complex.
  • These are non-ionisable.

Example: [Co (NH3)6]Cl3 coordination number is 6.

Secondary Valency

Explanation of Structure and Properties on the basis of Werner’s Theory:

  • Werner explained the Structure and properties of following four complexes of Co (III) chloride with ammonia.

Structure and Properties

  • Werner added the above four cobalt(III) complexes in table with an excess silver nitrate solution. Which resulted in different amounts of silver chloride precipitate.
\(\begin{array}{l}CoCl_{3}.6NH_{3}\overset{Excess Ag^{+}}{\rightarrow}3AgCl\ (3Cl^{-} ion\ get\ precipitated)\end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{l}CoCl_{3}.5NH_{3}\overset{Excess Ag^{+}}{\rightarrow}2AgCl\ (2Cl^{-} ion\ get\ precipitated)\end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{l}CoCl_{3}.4NH_{3}\overset{Excess Ag^{+}}{\rightarrow}AgCl\ (1Cl^{-} ion\ get\ precipitated)\end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{l}CoCl_{3}.3NH_{3}\overset{Excess Ag^{+}}{\rightarrow}no\ ppt\ (0Cl^{-} ion\ get\ precipitated)\end{array} \)


  • He concluded that in CoCl3.6NH3, 3Cl ions react with 3 silver ion form 3 silver chloride precipitates which act as primary valency and 6NH3 molecules act as secondary valency. Thus in modern term the compound is written as [Co(NH3)6] Cl3.
  • Similarly, for CoCl3. 5NH32Cl ions act as primary valency, the remaining 1Cl and 5NH3 ions act as secondary valency. So the compound is  [Co(NH3)3Cl] Cl2
  • For CoCl3.4NH3, 1Cl is primary valency, 2Cl and 4NH3 is secondary valency. So the compound is   [Co(NH3)5 Cl2] Cl
  • For CoCl3.3NH3, all 3Cl and 3NH3 ion act as secondary valency So the compound is   [Co(NH3)5 Cl3]
  • He represents the primary valencies by dotted lines(…….) and secondary valencies by solid line (—)

Werner’s theory

Evidence in favour of Werner’s theory

1. Cryoscopic Measurement:

The cryoscopic measurement (i.e., measurement of depression in freezing point) gives the number of ions formed by the dissociation of an ionic compound. The depression in freezing point is a colligative property and depends upon the number of particles in the solution. The greater the number of particles, the more will be the freezing point.

Compound Number of particles Determined from Cryoscopic Measurement
CoCl3 .6NH3 4
CoCl3. 5NH3 3
CoCl3. 4NH3 2
CoCl3. 3NH3 0

2. Electrical Conductance Measurement:

The conductance of solution depends upon the numbers of charge particles present in that solution.

[Co(NH3)6]Cl3 [Co(NH3)6]+  +  3Cl

[Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2 → [Co(NH3)5Cl]+  + 2Cl

[Co(NH3)4Cl2]Cl → [Co(NH3)4Cl2]+  +  Cl

So that the molar conductance of the compound should be the following order which also satisfies the observed conductance value.

[Co(NH3)6]Cl3  >   [Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2  >   [Co(NH3)4Cl2]Cl  >   [Co(NH3)3Cl3]

3. Precipitation Reaction:

On the addition of silver nitrate solution, with chloride complex. The chloride ions which present outside the coordination sphere undergo precipitation reaction. As the number of chloride ions present outside the sphere increases, the number of formation of precipitates increases and vice versa. 

Limitation of Werner’s theory

  • Though Werner explained some properties of the coordination compound,  he failed to explain the colour of the coordinate compound.
  • He could not explain the magnetic and optical properties of coordination compounds.
  • He could not answer the question, why does the coordination sphere have a definite geometry.

Heteroleptic Complex

Heteroleptic complexes: Heteroleptic complexes are those in which a metal ion is surrounded by more than one type of ligand. Heteroleptic complexes are those in which the metal atom or ion is connected to more than one type of ligand. These are complexes in which a metal is bonded solely by ore-type ligands, such as [Co(NH3)6]3+ Complexes heteroleptic: These are complexes in which a metal is bound by multiple types of ligands, such as [Co(NH3)4]Cl2]+.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


Explain Werner’s theory of coordinate compounds with suitable examples.

  • Werner produced a theory to explain the structures, formation and nature of bonding in the coordination compounds.
  • He postulated that metals exhibit two types of valencies (i) primary valency and (ii) secondary valency.
  • The primary valency is ionizable and non-directional.
  • It must satisfy negative ions in simple salts such as NaCl, CaCl2 , CoCl3 . It represents the oxidation state of metals and is present outside the coordination sphere.
  • The secondary valence is non-ionisable directional and satisfies both negative ions and neutral molecules. It represents the coordination number of the metals and is present inside the coordination sphere.
  • Example: [Co (NH3)6] Cl3 Here 3Cl ions are primary valencies and 6 NH3 are secondary valencies.

Explain the bonding in CoCl3 .3NH3 and CoCl3 .5NH3 on the basis of Werner’s theory.

  • From Werner’s theory in CoCl3 .3 NH3 both three Cl and NH3 act as secondary valencies. So they are non-ionisable and form coordinate bonds with cobalt.
  • In CoCl3 .5NH3, here two Cl act as primary valency and five NH3 and one Cl act as secondary valencies. So that two Cl form ionic bonds with cobalt, five NH3 and one Cl form coordinate bond with cobalt.

The complex studied by Werner had a composition corresponding to the formula PtCl4.2KCl from electrical conductance measurements, he determined that each formula unit contained three ions. He also found that silver nitrate did not give a precipitate of AgCl with this complex. Write the formula for his complex that agrees with information?

AgCl did not precipitate with PtCl4.2KCl implies that there is no Cl present outside the coordination sphere all act as secondary valency.


What are the limitations of Werner’s theory?

Werner failed to explain the colour of the coordinate compound. He could not explain the magnetic and optical properties of coordination compounds.


What is the primary valency according to Werner’s theory?

Primary valencies are those that a metal exhibits in the formation of simple salts. It represents the oxidation state of metal. These are ionisable and written outside the coordination sphere.


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