When children step out of pre-school, they would be aware of the alphabet and would be able to recognise a few words. Children have the ability to learn vocabulary from a very young age, and the best way to teach it is to start with 3-letter words. The more they practise, the better they become with respect to language speaking. After they have mastered the alphabet, it becomes easier for them to spell words. It will help them break down the words into syllables and write the correct spelling.
Learning different words at this age will really help children as it is the best time to learn new languages. It also helps in maintaining a smooth flow of reading. In this article, we have provided a list of 3-letter words for kids, to help you teach your children and improve their vocabulary.
Explore 3-Letter Words for Kids to Enhance Vocabulary
3-letter words are easy to learn but might be challenging to teach. Here are a few words for your reference to help you improve your kid’s vocabulary.
List of 3-Letter Words for Kids
And | Fix | Own |
Are | Fly | Odd |
Ape | Fry | Our |
Ace | For | Pet |
Act | Got | Pat |
Ask | Get | Peg |
Arm | God | Paw |
Age | Gel | Pup |
Ago | Gas | Pit |
Air | Hat | Put |
Ate | Hit | Pot |
All | Has | Pop |
But | Had | Pin |
Bye | How | Rat |
Bad | Her | Rag |
Big | His | Rub |
Bed | Hen | Row |
Bat | Ink | Rug |
Boy | Ice | Run |
Bus | Ill | Rap |
Bag | Jab | Ram |
Box | Jug | Sow |
Bit | Jet | See |
Bee | Jam | Saw |
Buy | Jar | Set |
Bun | Job | Sit |
Cub | Jog | Sir |
Cat | Kit | Sat |
Car | Key | Sob |
Cut | Lot | Tap |
Cow | Lit | Tip |
Cry | Let | Top |
Cab | Lay | Tug |
Can | Mat | Tow |
Dad | Man | Toe |
Dab | Mad | Tan |
Dam | Mug | Ten |
Did | Mix | Two |
Dug | Map | Use |
Den | Mum | Van |
Dot | Mud | Vet |
Dip | Mom | Was |
Day | May | Wet |
Ear | Met | Win |
Eye | Net | Won |
Eat | New | Wig |
End | Nap | War |
Elf | Now | Why |
Egg | Nod | Who |
Far | Net | Way |
Fat | Not | Wow |
Few | Nut | You |
Fan | Oar | Yes |
Fun | One | Yak |
Fit | Out | Yet |
Fin | Owl | Zip |
Fox | Old | Zap |
How Are 3-Letter Words Helpful?
Learning 3-letter words is essential for kids as it helps to improve their vocabulary. It also helps them learn new bigger words, as they learn to break them down, and form new words. Here are a few ways in which kids benefit from learning 3-letter words.
- It helps in improving vocabulary, leading to effective communication.
- It helps in breaking down bigger words and creating new words.
- It helps them strengthen their reading, speaking and writing skills.
- It improves their academic performances and language development on the whole.
How to Teach 3-Letter Words to Kids?
Remembering 3-letter words is not very difficult. Here are a few tips to help your child learn 3-letter words easily.
- Reading and Repeating Words: Let your child read the spellings aloud. Encourage them to read each letter of the word aloud, which will help them remember the spelling, along with the correct pronunciation of the word.
- Create Words Using Alphabet Blocks or Other Similar Activities: Kids can be engaged in various activities using alphabet blocks, flashcards, etc., and join the letters to create a 3-letter word. This will be a fun and engaging way to teach new vocabulary to kids.
- Playing Word Games: This is another exciting way of teaching 3-letter words to kids. Since they are involved both visually and mentally while playing word games, it becomes easier to learn new words.
- Visual Cues: Using visual cues will make the vocabulary-building exercise a lot more fun, and children will stay active and motivated. For example, if they are learning the word ‘fan’, they can be shown a picture of a fan with the spelling of the word in a bold or capitalised font. This way, they will grasp the words faster.
Kids are capable of learning new words faster than adults. Therefore, it is best to start right now.
Frequently Asked Questions on 3-Letter Words
Why is it essential to learn 3-letter words?
3-letter words are considered the basic vocabulary of a language. It is essential for kids to start learning these words, as using them will help them form new and bigger words. Moreover, it will encourage them to absorb new words, and thus will boost their vocabulary.
What are the most common 3-letter words?
Some of the most common 3-letter words are man, are, was, she, her, his, can, has, had, any, all, out, for, the, and, can, you, etc.