Difference between Quite and Quiet | Quite vs Quiet

‘Are you quite sure?’ Or ‘Are you quiet sure? Which one do you think is appropriate? After reading this article, you will know when and how to use the words ‘quite’ and ‘quiet’. This particular pair of words is the most confusing one that students often find difficult to understand. Generally, people mess up the spellings and write ‘quite’ instead of ‘quiet’ and vice versa and end up messing up the meanings of the sentences involved.

If you go through the words present in the English Language, you’ll notice that there are many words like ‘quite’ and ‘quiet’ that are confusing. These types of words that have quite a similar pronunciation but have different meanings. These are known as homophones. Students, irrespective of their age, often make the mistake of using these types of words interchangeably. The following points will guide you through the difference between ‘quite’ and ‘quiet’ so that you won’t make the same mistakes again.

Table Summarising the Difference between Quite and Quiet

Quite Quiet
Meaning The word ‘quite’ is used to refer to the utmost degree or completely. The word ‘quiet’ means to make no or little noise, i.e., being noiseless and discreet.
Usage It is used as an Adverb. It is used as an Adjective.
Example I am quite sure I saw Peter at the store. The teacher asked the students to remain quiet.

The table represents that though the words ‘quite’ and ‘quiet’ are pronounced the same, they cannot be used interchangeably or synonymously. Students who previously used to mess up these two words can now use them correctly. The detailed meanings of both the terms given below will help students understand more clearly.

The Difference between Quite and Quiet – Meanings

English can be a bit tricky language when it comes to certain words, and one such pair of words is ‘quite’ and ‘quiet’. A slight mistake in the spelling can change the meaning of the entire sentence and make it grammatically incorrect. So how to make sure that you are using the right word in the right sentence? When you want to express the utmost degree or entirely, you have to use the word ‘quite’, or example, The little boy was quite sure that his dad would buy him the bicycle’, whereas, if you are using the word ‘quiet’, it means to make less or no sound, for example, ‘Please be quiet or else the teacher will scold us.’ The moment students get this difference between the two words, it will be easier for them to use these words.

Examples of Quite and Quiet

The examples below will allow students to clearly understand the words ‘quite’ and ‘quiet’:

Quite – Are you quite sure that the train will leave in an hour? (adverb)

Quiet – Tony wanted to spend a quiet evening all by himself. (adjective)


Quite and Quiet – Conclusion

In conclusion, though the words ‘quite’ and ‘quiet’ are pronounced the same, they can neither be used interchangeably nor synonymously. This article points out the difference between ‘quite’ and ‘quiet’ to make it easier for students to use them in sentences correctly. Besides, BYJU’S also offers various articles on many such ‘Difference Between’ two words that students often get confused with.


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