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Difference between Safety and Security | Safety vs Security

What’s the difference between ‘safety’ and ‘security’? Does the word ‘safety’ and ‘security’ have the same meanings? These kind of questions have bothered a lot of people who are new to the English language. So to make sure you don’t get confused while using these words, you should know the meaning of these words. The primary aim of the article is to make sure that students understand the difference between ‘safety’ and ‘security’ so that they use them in the correct contexts.

The English Language has many similar pairs of words that confuse people, and while using English words, people often misinterpret the meaning of these words and use them in the wrong contexts. To avoid such mistakes, this article will guide students on how to use these words correctly. The points below will explain how the words ‘safety’ or ‘security’ are different from one another.

Table Summarising the Difference between Safety and Security

Safety Security
Meaning The word safety is used to refer to a condition where someone or a thing is protected from causes that are likely to cause harm to them. The word security means protecting organisations/people against threats/danger.
Usage It is used as a Noun. It is used as a Noun.
Example Miners have to take various precautions before they go into the mines for their own safety . The Queen’s security is of the utmost importance.

As you can see, the words ‘safety’ and ‘security’ are not the same. The following in-depth explanations of the words will help students understand these a bit more clearly. Let’s take a look.

Difference between Safety and Security – Meanings

Though both the words denote protection, they aren’t used in the same way. The word ‘safety’ is used to refer to the feeling of being safe/protected from any causes that might be harmful or threatening. ‘For a child, the safest place is with their parents’ here, ‘safety’ has an emotional implication to it, whereas the word ‘security’ means protecting organisations/people against threats/danger. Most of the time, ‘security’ refers to giving physical protection, be it to an organisation or a person, for example, ‘It is important to maintain the security of important personnel.’ This in-depth analysis of the words will help students to understand clearly the difference between ‘safety’ and ‘security’.

Examples of Safety and Security

Let us take a look at the given examples of ‘safety’ and ‘security’ to understand them clearly:

Safety – Please take care of your safety when you visit a new place. (noun)

Security – The security at the airport was quite tight. (noun)

The moment students grasp the difference between the words ‘safety’ and ‘security’, it becomes easier for them to use them in the correct contexts.

Safety and Security – Conclusion

To sum up, ‘safety’ and ‘security’, though involve protection as their key aspects, they don’t mean the same thing. That’s why one can’t use both these words interchangeably or synonymously. Once students get this concept, it becomes easier for them to understand and use them in sentences. The examples, along with the tabular chart and the in-depth analysis, help the children understand how or when they can use these words appropriately. Apart from this, BYJU’S offers various articles on many such ‘Difference Between’ two words that students often get confused with.


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