Difference between Will and Will Be | Will vs Will Be

Difference between Will and Will Be | Will vs Will Be

Tenses seem to be one of the most confusing grammar topics in the English language, especially with the simple future and future continuous tenses. This article will help you understand the usage of the verbs ‘will’ and ‘will be’.

Table of Contents

Table Summarising the Difference between Will and Will Be

Will Will Be
Meaning  ‘Will’ is used as a modal verb to emphasise on actions/events that will take place in the future. ‘Will be’ is used to refer to actions that will be happening in the future, for which the specific time is unknown.
Usage It is used as a helping verb to denote the simple future tense. The words, as such, is also used as a noun. It is used as a helping verb to depict the future continuous tense.
Example Amy will participate in the competition. The flight will be landing any minute now.

The Difference between Will and Will Be – Meaning and Usage

Many people think that ‘will’ and ‘will be’ mean the same thing, but that’s not true. When the word ‘will’ is used, it shows conviction, i.e. the event/action that is discussed is surely going to happen in the future. For example, “Tom will solve this problem within minutes”; whereas, the word ‘will be’ is used in case of future continuous tenses to refer to actions that will be taking place at some time in the future. Generally, with ‘will’, the base form of the main verb is used and with ‘will be, the present participle form of the verb is used. For example, “My parents will visit the church”, “My parents will be visiting the church”. Both verb forms are used to indicate actions in the future but cannot be used interchangeably.

Examples of Will and Will Be

The following examples will help you understand its usage a lot more clearly.

  • The Spider-Man movie will be releasing soon.
  • I will go to the market.
  • Manish will reach in some time.
  • They will be working on it.
  • Aadhithya will cook dinner for us.
  • Seena and Ritu will be visiting us.


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