Report Writing on Science Exhibition

Haven’t we all heard of or been a part of a science exhibition? Imagine you are asked to write about a science exhibition. What would you include? Don’t worry much because after reading this article, you’ll have a clear idea about how to report a science exhibition.

Before you go ahead, you should know what science exhibitions are or why they are organised as it will help you write the report in a more detailed way. In simple terms, a science exhibition is an event hosted by various schools that deals with multiple project entries that employ different scientific methods.

The main reason behind organising such science exhibitions or science fairs is to provide a platform to students where they can implement the various scientific theories/methods through various projects/models. In other words, a science exhibition is a platform where students can showcase how much they have understood the different scientific theories through their projects/models. It also helps to build the ability for teamwork and cooperation among students.

So when you are writing a report on a science exhibition, you can talk about the kind of projects/models made by the students for the exhibition, when the exhibition was organised and whether any project/model (if any) got the best prize.

Have a look at the following two sample reports to learn how it works.

Report on Science Exhibition in School

On 15th October 2021, Delhi Public School, Roorkee, organised a science exhibition in its school auditorium. A number of students from various classes participated in the exhibition. The science exhibition was held in honour of Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s birthday. The chief guest for this exhibition was Mr Shiv Murty, one of the renowned scientists. The exhibition started at 12:00 p.m. and was open to all the parents and students of the school. The Principal of the school gave a commencement speech and announced that the best three exhibits would be selected by the National Science Foundation, India to display in their labs. As the exhibition started, various students presented their projects. Models of solar power energy, space satellites, hydroelectric generators, AC and DC motors, automatic transformers, and robots were built by the students. Mr. Murthy, along with the Principal, went around looking at the different models designed by the students and assessed the descriptions given by the students. The parents, too, looked at the various models put up by the students. Apart from models, the students also organised visual presentations to help everyone understand the concepts of their working models. Mr. Murty gave a speech on the importance of the contributions of the young generations to the field of science and technology. At the end of the exhibition, upon careful inspection of the different models and projects, Mr. Murty selected three projects from Class 5, Class 8 and Class 10, respectively. Everyone who participated in the exhibition were given certificates and mementoes for their excellent efforts. The exhibition ended with the Principal delivering a speech extending her gratitude to Mr. Murty and congratulating all the students who participated in the exhibition.

Report on Inter School Science Exhibition

On the eve of the birthday of Vikram Sarabhai, (August 12, 2021), the Father of the Indian Space Programme, the Science and Research Forum of New Delhi organised an inter-school science exhibition. Candidates from different schools participated in this science exhibition. The Forum announced that the two best exhibits would be kept in the Hall of Exhibits where it will be displayed to the public. Models related to space satellites, different satellites of the planets, the various galaxies, the working of the Hadron Collider and many more things were on display. The members of the Science and Research Forum were impressed by the efforts of the students. The members of the committee had a tough time deciding which two best exhibits they were going to present in the Hall of Exhibits. Every one of the participants was given certificates and mementoes from the Science and Research Forum of New Delhi.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


What is meant by report writing?

Providing a detailed account of an event or happening in order to inform the audience about the whereabouts and every other important information about the event is called report writing.


How to write a report on a science exhibition?

To write a report on a science exhibition, one should mention the time and venue of the exhibition. The report should also mention the various projects/models made by the students.