Sentence Starters - How to Use with Examples

Have you been finding it difficult to find good sentence starters? Do you think you have ideas but have some starting trouble? There is nothing to worry about if you do. All that you need to do is learn how to do it and apply them when penning down or voicing out your thoughts and ideas. This article will introduce you to what sentence starters are, how to use them effectively to form well-structured and coherent sentences in a paragraph along with examples for you to analyse and comprehend how it works.

Table of Contents

What Is a Sentence Starter?

Words and phrases that start off a sentence or introduce a thought can be referred to as sentence starters. Sentence starters make your writing more connected and meaningful. When you are writing about a topic, it is not necessary that you mention your ideas that support it; there definitely will be points that you think are mention-worthy but contradictory. We use sentence starters to make the transition and flow from one point to another smooth. This is not just the case with sentences; the same technique can also be used to connect paragraphs as well.

Where and How to Use a Sentence Starter? – Points to Remember

When you sit down to write a speech, an essay or a report on a particular topic, you normally start by jotting down the points from the top of your head. To add to what you know, you might also research a little. It is only then that you put everything together. When you do this, it is very important that you compare and contrast your thoughts as well as all the points that you have collected as part of your research and put them together in a way that all of it makes complete sense. This is where sentence starters play a role.

Sentence starters prepare your target audience for what’s coming next. It lets you bridge the gap between a thought, its justification, its contradiction, its examples, affirming evidence and so on. Now, knowing a number of sentence starters alone will not help. You have to learn how and where to use them in order to make your writing or speech meaningful.

To help you make proper and effective use of sentence starters, here is a list of the kind of situations where the usage of a sentence starter will definitely prove beneficial.

  • The first instance would be when you are introducing a new thought or idea; for example, the very first sentence that is used to begin a paragraph, an essay, a report or a story.
  • Be it fiction or nonfiction, whatever you are writing about has to have an interesting beginning. A catchy thought and the way you use your words creatively is what will hook your readers.
  • When backing a thought with some data or when providing information that support/justify your finding, you will need a sentence starter to make a connection to whatever you have spoken about previously.
  • When you have two contrasting ideas placed next to each other, you will have to use a sentence starter.
  • A sentence starter can also help you emphasise on whichever idea you think is important.
  • A sentence starter is further used to transition from one paragraph to another.
  • Finally, to conclude a writeup, you can use a sentence starter so that your audience knows that it is the end of your piece.
  • As long as the punctuation of a sentence with a sentence starter is concerned, the only thing you will have to keep in mind is that a comma is usually placed after the sentence starter in case the sentence starter is a preposition, an adverb or a phrase.

Examples of Sentence Starters

Going through some examples of sentence starters can give you a deeper understanding of what they are and where all you can use them, so go through the following section and make use of the examples provided in your writing as and when required.

List of Commonly Used Sentence Starters

Take a look at the following examples of sentence starters that can be used in the various situations mentioned.

Commonly Used Sentence Starters in English
Sentence Starters to Start a Paragraph / an Essay / a Report
This essay discusses In this essay/paper This essay introduces You will find
The key aspect in this essay The report enumerates Emphasised are the The central theme of this piece
Sentence Starters to Compare and Contrast
On the other hand On the contrary Similarly In the same way
Likewise However In comparison Yet
Whereas While Despite this In spite of this
Although Still Rather Instead
Keeping that aside Then again In contrast to Notwithstanding
Nevertheless In the same manner Contrary to this Conversely
Sentence Starters to Introduce a List / a Table
Given below are Here is a list of The list of … given below First..second..third
Next Firstly Secondly Eventually
As a first step Later The next step is to Finally
The below table refers to The table explains how Given below is the table Here is a table with the
Sentence Starters to Add a Thought/Idea
In addition to this Also Furthermore Additionally
Subsequently Moreover To elaborate More importantly
In the same way Just as important Equally important is Besides
Another instance Then As well as To add to this
Sentence Starters to Show Results/Outcomes
As a result of this Resulting from this This results in The outcome
The evidence proves Studies have shown The results derived emphasises This infers
It can be seen that After examining Therefore Hence
So All of these leads to the With regard to previous studies This reiterates the
Sentence Starters to Provide Examples
For example An example of it is The following examples Given below are examples
For instance As an example Such as Namely
Consider the example of Specifically To illustrate The examples below explain
Sentence Starters to Mention Common Ideas / Popular Opinions
Many studies show that Numerous A lot of Most
More than .. percent of the .. Majority of the Almost all The whole … community thinks..
Commonly Usually Normally The absolute choice is
Sentence Starters to Mention Uncommon Ideas / Unpopular opinions
Few A few people Some studies show that Not many are of the opinion that
A rare case of this is Rarely does this Only on very few occasions Scarcely
Sentence Starters to Provide Background Information
Historically Initially In the … century … years ago
Centuries ago Over time Earlier Formerly
Originally In the beginning Conventionally Prior to this
Until now In the past Recent studies show Customarily
Sentence Starters to Provide References / Others’ Ideas
… suggests that According to … With reference to Based on the ideas of..
… points out that … challenges the idea of.. … according to .. The theory put forward by .. proves that..
… supports the idea… As seen by Based on the findings of The research on … shows that
Sentence Starters to Show Cause and Effect
As a result of .. Due to the … For this reason This means that …
This would result in … Therefore Hence And so
Sentence Starters to Emphasise on a Particular Point
Certainly Above all To emphasise on this… Undoubtedly
Surely Arguably Of course Obviously
The obvious choice is.. The important part is What is important is .. Most importantly
Sentence Starters to Give a Conclusion
To end it .. Finally A final thought Thus
In summary To put it in a nutshell In conclusion To sum it all up
In short Overall All things considered To wrap things up
On the whole Putting it all together To conclude To summarise
Hence With all this in mind In brief Summing up all that has been discussed so far …

Frequently Asked Questions on Sentence Starters


What is a sentence starter?

Words and phrases that start off a sentence or introduce a thought can be referred to as sentence starters.


What are sentence starters used for?

Sentence starters make your writing more connected and meaningful. Sentence starters prepare your target audience for what’s coming next. It lets you bridge the gap between a thought, its justification, its contradiction, its examples, affirming evidence and so on.


Give some sentence starters for an essay.

Here are some examples of essay starters that you can use to begin your essay.

  • The essay discusses
  • In this essay
  • This essay focuses on
  • The essay will introduce you to

Give some examples of sentence starters to start a paragraph.

Given below are a few examples of sentence starters to start a paragraph.

  • Studies show that
  • In the era of
  • There are more than
  • The research emphasises
  • With reference to

Give some examples of sentence starters to conclude your writing.

Here are a few examples of sentence starters to help you conclude your piece of writing.

  • In conclusion
  • To put it in a nutshell
  • In short
  • To summarise
  • Thus