Tree Names - Explore the List of 20+ Names in English

Building your vocabulary is one of the first steps you will have to take when learning any new language. The names of the most common things you see around and use every day can add to your vocabulary. In this article, you will be introduced to the names of a number of trees from all around the world. Furthermore, explore more about some common trees.

Table of Contents

Trees Names

List of 20+ Tree Names

Apple Tree Acacia
Amla Tree Banana Tree
Banyan Tree Cherry Blossom Tree
Coconut Tree Chikoo Tree
Date Tree Eucalyptus Tree
Fig Tree Fir Tree
Guava Tree Mahogany Tree
Sal Tree Pine Tree
Peepal Tree Teak Tree
Tamarind Tree Neem Tree
Mango Tree Jackfruit Tree
Papaya Tree Maple Tree
Sandalwood Tree Oak Tree
Cedar Tree Sheesham Tree
Ebony Tree Jute Tree

Explore More about Some Common Trees

Name of the Tree About It
Mango The mango tree, also known as Mangifera indica, belongs to the family of Anacardiaceae. Mango trees are believed to have originated in India, Bangladesh and Northeastern Myanmar. This tree bears a sweet, one-seed fruit that only grows in tropical areas. They are consumed in both raw and ripe forms.
Neem Azadirachta indica, commonly known as neem, belongs to the Meliaceae family. They are evergreen trees and are mostly valued for their medicinal properties. Apart from that, the baby leaves are often eaten, and the twigs are used to brush teeth. The leaves of this tree have antibacterial properties.
Banyan Ficus benghalensis, generally known as banyan, is commonly found only in India. It is also the National Tree of India. Older banyan trees have aerial prop roots, and the leaves of this plant are glossy and large. They are evergreen in nature.
Peepal Ficus religiosa or sacred fig, commonly known as the peepal, is a species of fig and native to the Indian subcontinent. It is also known as the ‘Bodhi Tree’ and is evergreen in nature.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Names of Trees


Name some trees starting with the letter ‘A’.

Trees starting with the letter ‘A’ include acacia, amla and apple trees.


Name a few trees starting with the letter ‘C’.

Cedar, cherry blossom, chikku and coconut trees are some trees starting with the letter ‘C’.