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Answering Correctly vs. Answering More in CAT

Propositional logic, in simplified terms, uses a series of facts and reasoning to develop a conclusion. Inductive and deductive reasoning are both forms of propositional logic. To break it down further, inductive reasoning is what we commonly refer to the “bottom-up” approach of solving a problem, while deductive reasoning is the “top-down” style of reasoning. The deductive reasoning is termed so is because it goes from general and works its way down more specific. Sounds familiar? Our brains are so tuned to be deductive, that we seldom appreciate its true brilliance. It is also what helps us methodically eliminate choices presented to us, on a daily basis.

The general assumption when appearing for CAT is that if you answer more number of questions, you have a higher chance of scoring better. Throw this impractical and ineffective notion out the window. An increasing number of correct answers are THE key to a higher percentile.

Question is: How does this play a part while answering questions in CAT? Simply because it translates to a literal method of elimination of choices. At BYJU’S, we break down an ideal candidate’s thought process into 5 straightforward steps:

Step 1: Scan the sections to segregate questions in levels of difficulty: easy, moderate, tricky.

Step 2: Answer all the easy questions. Proceed to the next level.

Step 3: Arriving at the moderate level, here is where eliminating options is truly clever. Look at the most far-fetched choices. Do away with them immediately. Now that you are left with fewer options, revaluate the logic asked in the question

Step 4: After reconfirming the logic that MOST follows the information provided and coming to a valid conclusion, select the correct option. Advance to the next level of difficulty.

Step 5: To get to the bottom of the trickiest questions, combine both styles of reasoning i.e. build an argument using the facts you already know and have practiced AND use the information provided in the question to deduct the completely unrelated choices. This in turn, leaves you with the only right choice. This not only helps you identify the traps, if any, but successfully overcome them with ease.

The sheer brilliance of these steps is how they broadly applicable they are to ALL sections of CAT. With enough practice and conscious thought, you too, can master this technique and breeze through any tribulation. For other tips and tricks, visit how to crack non-MCQ questions in CAT!