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How do I Prepare for CAT Exam and GMAT Together

Preparing for CAT and GMAT together is searched frequently by aspirants, who are preparing for both these exams simultaneously. Can I study for the CAT and GMAT? The most frequent query from applicants seeking to do an MBA, whether in India or overseas. Bother of these exams have advantages in individual careers and allow the candidates to join top MBA colleges in India and abroad.

However, it is unclear to them whether they can prepare for the CAT and GMAT simultaneously or if CAT preparation is sufficient for the GMAT. BYJU’S experts claim that both tests have different syllabuses. Therefore before beginning your preparation, you should be familiar with the exam format and content.

In this article, our experts have provided a thorough study of How to Prepare for CAT and GMAT Together to assist the aspirants in their preparation.

Is it Possible to Prepare for CAT and GMAT Together?

The answer is yes, you can prepare for both of these exams together. Actually, if the candidates wish to prepare for both the CAT and GMAT at the same time, candidates need to be very dedicated. While the GMAT score is accepted internationally as well, the CAT exam is a national-level MBA exam.

Read the article below and know the details for preparing for CAT and GMAT together.

Prepare for CAT and GMAT Together – Challenges to be Faced

When seeking a reply to the question “Can I Prepare for the CAT and GMAT Together,” candidates must realise that they would struggle to manage the intensity of knowledge required for specific areas in both tests.

A logical CAT study plan is extremely important if you are thinking about GMAT also. The main difficulty you might encounter, though, is in comprehending the exam syllabus for each of these tests. Both of these exams have different syllabuses since the GMAT exam includes an analytical writing component. The comparison between the GMAT and CAT Syllabus is summarised in the table below.




Exam Sections



Name of the Chapters

  • Integrated Reasoning
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Analytical Writing (Argumentative Essay Analysis)
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • VARC
  • DILR
  • QA

Candidates must be aware that the Analytical Writing Assessment component of the GMAT demands candidates to analyse the provided argument before writing a critique of it. Nevertheless, the CAT does not include a section for analytical writing evaluation. VARC, DILR, and QA are the three sections of the CAT that contain MCQs and Non-MCQs/TITA questions.

☛ Read More: CAT vs GMAT

Experts’ Tips to Prepare for CAT and GMAT Together

In the section below, our experts have shared some tips and strategies to complete CAT and GMAT preparation together. Managing your time after work hours is also important if you are a working professional. But keep your attention on your preparation and avoid becoming sidetracked by other amusement, such as weekend parties.

☛ Click to know more about CAT Preparation Tips for Working Professional

Clear Your Concepts

While simultaneously preparing for the GMAT and CAT, aspirants must concentrate on conceptual clarity to dispel all of their uncertainties. To master both tests without becoming lost in confusion, conceptual knowledge is crucial.

Candidates are aware that the CAT and GMAT assess the aptitude abilities of hopefuls, which call for spontaneity of thought and the capacity to comprehend each question. Pay attention to the syllabus if you want to ace both tests.

Practice for Analytical Writing

The candidates need to follow a set timetable each day to practise Analytical Writing. It is one of the compulsory sections in the GMAT. To properly learn this part, practise writing and analysing three to four arguments.

Use CAT preparation to Prepare for GMAT

The candidates can use their CAT preparation to succeed in the GMAT as well. It will be an effective technique that will aid in both your CAT and GMAT preparation. To learn and double-check, you must first look at the GMAT and CAT exam sections.

Both of these are the management entrance exams and access the candidates’ verbal, numerical, and analytical skills. Join BYJU’S online classes and start your preparation for the upcoming exam in a result-oriented way.

Frequently Asked Questions on CAT and GMAT Preparation Together


Can I prepare for CAT and GMAT together?

Yes, you can prepare for CAT and GMAT together. The candidates must be very consistent and dedicated prepare for these two exams.


Is CAT preparation enough to prepare for GMAT Exam?

The CAT syllabus differs slightly from the GMAT syllabus. The GMAT includes an analytical writing section. However, if you prepare strategically, you can leverage your CAT preparation to get ready for the GMAT.


Which is easier to crack? CAT or GMAT?

The GMAT syllabus and question types are very clearly specified, making GMAT preparation simpler than CAT preparation. With 3-5 hours of focused study, it is feasible to achieve a GMAT score of 700 or above.


What is the correct time to start preparing for CAT and GMAT?

Six to eight months should be ample time to get ready for the CAT and GMAT if you are starting from scratch. It is advisable to start studying as soon as possible, as the syllabus is really huge. To achieve a high grade, candidates taking the final year exam need to start preparing right away.