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MBA Entrance Exams - Explore List of Entrance Exams in India

MBA is one of the most sought-after degrees in the present corporate world. With a degree in MBA, individuals enhance their expertise in different fields which helps in the efficient functioning of a company. The demand for MBA graduates in the corporate world has led to the foundation of several management institutes in the country, which include IIMs. Please refer BYJU’S CAT College Predictor tool.

In this Article,

The admission process for most of the institutes is similar, i.e. MBA entrance exam is followed by GD or WAT and PI. While some institutes conduct their own admission test, others accept scores of some specific MBA entrance test(s).

IIMs conduct the CAT exam, and the CAT scores are widely accepted in most of the top MBA colleges. MBA entrance exam dates vary considerably; therefore, management aspirants should maintain track of the exam dates and updates on a regular basis. Stay connected to BYJU’S to receive the latest updates on the exams. Some of the most important MBA entrance tests are given below to help the aspirants get well-acquainted with them.

Why Is an Entrance Exam for MBA Important?

MBA entrance exams are a prerequisite for admission to various management schools. The exams are conducted by the respective institutes, which also frame the selection criteria accordingly. Every year, numerous candidates appear for different management entrance exams with a dream of pursuing a postgraduate degree in management. So, the MBA aspirants are suggested to be prepared to take up different MBA entrance exams in India to diversify their chances of selection in various B-Schools. For example, XAT has a section for Decision Making and Essay writing, and MH-CET, MAT and SNAP have a section called General Knowledge, so the candidates need to be updated with current affairs along with their preparation for CAT Exam. Here is a comparison of the different sections of other important management examinations and the CAT exam to help MBA aspirants prepare for these exams simultaneously.



Logical Reasoning ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Verbal Ability ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
QA ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Current Affairs/ General Awareness ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✘
Essay Writing / Analytical Writing

Business Analysis

✘ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✘ ✘

Though the CAT exam score is accepted by most of the management institutes in India, other exams are also equally important as some of the best B-Schools conduct these exams for their respective admissions. The scores of some tests like MAT are also accepted by numerous institutes. Details of these exams are given here, which will help the candidates to get well-versed in the respective details and prepare accordingly.

Top 15 MBA Entrance Exams in India

Numerous top B-Schools conduct their own entrance exams every year for their respective admissions. Sometimes, candidates need to tweak their preparation to keep up and stay updated with the other important management exams. The list below provides comprehensive information about the top MBA entrance exams in India.

  • CAT â€“The CAT exam is no doubt the most popular of all management entrance exams in India. The Common Admission Test is conducted every year, and it serves as a gateway for management aspirants to fulfil their dream of getting into IIMs. Every year, one of the 20 IIMs conducts the exam on a rotational basis. The CAT is the most sought-after MBA entrance exam so far and is taken by almost over 2.5 lakh candidates every year.
  • XAT Xavier Aptitude Test â€“ It is often regarded as the second most common entrance exam for management aspirants after the CAT exam. XAT is conducted by XLRI – Xavier School of Management for the graduate programmes in management courses in XLRI and 11 XAMI member institutes in India. XAT is usually conducted in the month of January every year. Two sections in XAT that are different from CAT are the Decision Making section and the Essay Writing section. As the Essay Writing section usually throws questions about current affairs, candidates need to get themselves equipped with the current happenings around the world. Apart from Xavier Association and institutes, XAT scores are accepted by S P Jain, GIM, Department of Management Studies, IIT – Madras, Loyola Institute of Management, Great Lakes Institute of Management – Madras, Institute of Public Enterprise – Hyderabad, etc. Candidates can visit the official site for all the information related to XAT.
  • MAT Management Aptitude Test â€“ It is conducted by AIMA for admission to MBA and equivalent programmes of the various participating institutes. The MAT exam is generally conducted four times a year, in the months of February, May, September and December. The test scores cut-off varies from month to month and the Institute. For example, Christ University’s cut-off is 80% for the month of MAT February, while it sometimes changes to 85% for MAT December. The top institutes that accept the MAT scores are Christ University, Galgotias Business School, NIILM Centre of Management Studies, MITCON Institute of Management, Alliance Business Academy, Jagan Institute of Management Studies, and ITM (Navi Mumbai).
  • SNAP – Symbiosis National Aptitude is conducted by Symbiosis International University (Deemed) for admission into their graduate programmes. SNAP has an extra section for General Awareness and has no sectional time limit. So, anyone can set aside as much time or as little time for the respective sections as they want. Conducted in the month of December, this is the gateway to the prestigious Symbiosis Group of Institutions.
  • GMAT â€“ There are more than 2,300 graduate business schools worldwide that accept Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) scores. Candidates are assessed on their analytical writing, integrated reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and verbal reasoning skills. Through GMAT, candidates can get admission to graduate management programmes nationally and globally. A large number of colleges in India accept GMAT scores, in addition to global management schools.
  • NMAT – Narsee Monjee Aptitude Test is usually conducted during the month of October-December every year, in a 75 days exam window. A candidate is allowed to take 3 attempts of NMAT in a year, including no-shows. The only condition is to wait for at least 15 days between two attempts. The results are announced instantly after taking the exam. NMAT exam scores are the prerequisite for NMIMS – Bangalore, Hyderabad and Mumbai Campus, ICFAI, Alliance University, ARM University, and BIT University, among other universities. Aspirants can visit the official site to get all the details regarding the exam.
  • CMAT – Common Management Admission Test is approved by AICTE and is a national-level test conducted to get admission to management programmes in the country. It is held in the month of April, and this exam allows a test taker to go for the score in which they have scored better. Since 2015, CMAT has been conducted in foreign countries to facilitate MBA admission of foreign candidates in India. The General Awareness section is included in the CMAT as well. Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Welingkar Institute of Management, Goa Institute of Management, Birla Institute of Technology – Mesra, K J Somaiya Institute of Management, Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, Bangalore, etc., are some of the institutes accepting CMAT scores. Aspirants can follow the official website for updates on the CMAT exam.
  • IIFT â€“ Itis the test conducted by the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade for admission in the MBA programme for their Delhi, Kakinada and Kolkata campuses. Generally conducted in the month of December, this test, like CAT, has no age limit for the candidates who want to take the test. IIFT is one of the top-ranked colleges in India for Foreign Business Management. This autonomous public business school was established in 1963 by MoCII (Ministry of Commerce and Industry) to help professionalise the country’s exports and imports and trade management by developing human resources through this Institute.
  • MH-CET Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MH-CET)or MH-MBA/MMS-CET is a computer-based test for admission to two-year full-time Post Graduate Degree Courses in MBA/MMS and PGDBM/PGDM in Government, University Departments, University Managed, and Unaided Institutes in the State of Maharashtra. Conducted in March for two days, the scores are accepted by some of the best-ranked B-Schools like Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, N L Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research, Indira Institute of Management, PUMBA, and other MBA colleges in Maharashtra.
  • TISSNET – The Tata Institute of Social Sciences conducts this computer-based test to select candidates for its full-time postgraduate degree programmes. This test will consist of three sections, namely, English Proficiency, Mathematical & Logical Reasoning, and General Awareness. Those who pass the TISSNET exam will be required to take the TISSMAT, an additional exam and attend a Personal Interview as well.
  • TANCET – Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) is a state-level exam administered by Anna University for admission to MBA programmes in Tamil Nadu. TANCET scores are also a prerequisite for admission into a few other courses. To be eligible to take TANCET, students must hold a Bachelor’s degree with 50 % marks in the relevant discipline.
  • IBSAT – IBSAT is a computer-based management entrance exam administered by ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education. This exam is a prerequisite for admission into all the ICFAI Business Schools across the country. Questions are based on Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension, Analytical Reasoning, Quantitative Techniques, Data Adequacy and Data Interpretation. ICFAI Business Schools accept GMAT, CAT, and NMAT scores in addition to IBSAT scores.
  • KMAT – KMAT scores are used as an admission criterion by AICTE-accredited B-schools affiliated with universities in Karnataka. KMAT is held in over ten cities across the country and is open to candidates from India and overseas. It is a paper-and-pen exam with 120 multiple-choice questions. 40 MCQs are asked from each section. This exam consists of three sections, such as Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension.
  • PGCET The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) administers the Karnataka PGCET, a state-level entrance exam for admission to MBA and other postgraduate programmes. Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree from a recognised university or college to apply for the Karnataka PGCET. This is a two-hour exam held in the paper-pen-based mode. A total of 100 multiple-choice questions are asked to evaluate a candidate’s general knowledge, reasoning, English language proficiency, and general quantitative analysis.
  • ATMA – The AIMS Test for Management Admissions, also known as the ATMA, takes place 4-5 times a year. The exam will be held as a computer-based test. It is the management entrance exam for postgraduate programmes such as MBA, MMS, PGDM, and MCA. This objective-type national entrance exam is recognised by both the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and the All India Council for Technical Education. ATMA does not demand any prior experience in the field of management. It measures a candidate’s analytical reasoning, language ability and aptitude. The sample tests available on the official website provide a comprehensive understanding of the exam. More than 200 top-ranking institutions in India accept the ATMA score. With over 740 members, AIMS is one of the world’s largest networks of management institutes, with IIMs, ICFAI, Xavier Institutes, NMIMS ISB, Welingkar, MDI, S P Jain, and other notable Indian business schools among its members.

Participating Colleges for the Top 15 MBA Entrance Exams

CAT IIMs, SPJIMR Mumbai, IMI Delhi, XLRI Jamshedpur, LIBA
MAT ITM Business School, NIT Warangal, KIIT Bhubaneshwar, XIME Bangalore, SIESCOM, VIT Vellore
GMAT IMI New Delhi, MICA Ahmedabad, GIM Goa, Great Lakes Chennai, SPJIMR Mumbai
XAT XLRI Jamshedpur, LIBA, BIMTECH-Noida, MICA Ahmedabad, Great Lakes Chennai
SNAP Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Symbiosis Institute of International Business, SSMC Bangalore, SRMS Bareilly
IIFT Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, Community Institute of Management Studies Bangalore, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Kolkata
NMAT Alliance University, Amity Business School, Noida, VIT University, Jindal Global Business School
TANCET PSG Tech Coimbatore, MOP Vaishnav, American College Madurai, St.Joseph’s college Chennai, KCT Business School
MAH CET Welingkar, CIMR, PUMBA, JBIMS, N.L Dalmia Institute
TISSNET Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, ATLAS SKILLTECH UNIVERSITY, MUMBAI
KMAT AIMS Institute, Alliance University, Karnataka Colleges of Management, ISBR Business School, Acharya Business School
IBSAT ICFAI B-schools, Vanguard Business School, Rachna International Institute of Research and StudiesJK Business School
PG-CET ISBR Bangalore, CMRIMS, ITM Business School, Chennai, IIBS Kolkota, BIT Bangalore
CMAT Amity University, Noida, GIM Goa, Great Lakes, Chennai, ABBS Bangalore, NL Dalmia Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai
IBSAT ICFAI Business Schools
ATMA PUMBA, IMS Ghaziabad, PSGCT, Xavier Institute of Management and Research, KIIT School of Management

Entrance Exams Across India

National Level MBA Entrance Examinations help you get admitted to top b-schools across the country. The following table lists the MBA Entrance exam names based on the level of competition.

National-Level MBA Entrance Exam List with Dates

Name of the Exam Exam Date


Frequency of the Exam
CAT 2023 26 November 2023 Once in a year
XAT 2024 First Sunday of January 2024 Once in a year
NMAT 2023 To be announced Three times a year
GMAT 2023 As per the candidate’s convenience Once in every 16 days


CMAT 2023 First week of April 2023 Once in a year

State-Level MBA Entrance Exam List with Dates

A number of Indian states have their own management admission exams, for which applicants from other states can also apply. The university administering the exam determines the syllabus and structure of the exam.

Name of the Exam Exam Date (Tentative) Frequency of the Exam
UPSEE May 2023 Once in a year
Karnataka PGCET 3rd week of July 2023 Once in a year
KMAT July 2023 Once in a year
TANCET March 2023 Once in a year
MAH-CET 18-19 March 2023 Once in a year

Stay updated with BYJU’S to receive the latest updates on all MBA Entrance exams

Frequently Asked Questions on MBA Entrance Exams


Which MBA entrance exam for MBA is the easiest?

Management entrance examinations such as MAT, ATMA, and TANCET are considered to be less difficult. However, due to a variety of reasons, the level of difficulty varies from year to year. Each exam has its own set of unique advantages and challenges.


What is the qualification to pursue an MBA Degree?

Most management colleges accept applications from students who have completed a three-year degree or equivalent from a recognised board with a minimum of 50 percent to 55 percent or equivalent grades. There is a 5% relaxation for reserved categories.


Can I get admission to an MBA course without an entrance exam?

There are a variety of choices available for management aspirants who want to study an MBA without having to take an entrance exam. However, it is not possible to gain admission into the top B-schools of the nation without passing an entrance examination. This form of course has its own benefits and constraints that candidates need to take into account before applying.