The explanations behind retaking the CAT exam can be numerous. Several people retake the exam since they didn’t get the coveted CAT score, a few people performed well, however, did not get calls from the foundation they needed, or some got calls yet couldn’t clear GD/PI of the respective institutes.

Whatever the reason is, taking CAT implies you are putting one more year into this exam and you should ensure that you don’t give up the open door this time. A portion of the key focuses you should recollect while preparing for CAT again are:-

Analyzing what turned out badly a year ago. Look at CAT 2017 Paper Analysis.

Reinforce your nuts and bolts and rehearse the greatest number of mock tests as you can.

Pay special mind to more open doors and attempt new CAT preparation strategies to score better in the present year.

Concentrate on your frail areas and improve on them.

Practice more, read progressively and stay peaceful for a better score.

Top Mistakes To Avoid:

Not Accepting New Methods and Strategies

  • Many hopefuls adhere to their old techniques even while rehashing CAT and wind up without much change. Some even wind up scoring lower than their past percentile, because of this inflexibility in their approach.
  • Regardless of the possibility that you score well, the final product is that your last CAT endeavour was unsuccessful and you did a few slip-ups. There may be the situation that your method for fathoming questions was moderate, or it was not precise, might be your procedure was not a decent one.
  • In this manner, it is better for you to learn new techniques, systems, approaches and grow more expository speculation towards CAT. This can unquestionably add a considerable measure of imprints to your score and enable you to get your coveted CAT score.

Neglecting Sectional Imbalances

  • Many applicants neglect to get a decent score since they simply demolished one of the segments, in spite of the fact that they performed great in the other two. On the off chance that you are one of them, at that point, you have to give some additional opportunity to that segment in which you didn’t perform well.
  • So if your sectional percentiles were 95-95-60 or 90-90-30, you have to work additionally hard on that one shortcoming of yours.
  • In any case, if you scored 80-80-80 or even beneath that, at that point you have to comprehend that the issue lies in your entire planning system and not in one particular area.

Not Breaking Down What Went Wrong Last Year

  • The principal thing you have to do before beginning your second CAT journey is to take a seat and figure why you couldn’t clear CAT cut-offs a year ago.
  • Make inquiries like – Didn’t I revise enough a year ago? Weren’t my concepts clear? Did I perform well in mock tests yet demolished everything on the exam day? Did I perform well in two segments yet botched up in the third segment?

Not Picking the Right Material

  • Many individuals have a tendency to understand harder inquiries without clearing the basics. Often the materials do not provide a clear understanding of the end of the concept leaves the candidates with an improper foundation.
  • So, start searching for the best materials and check if the way of teaching suits you. Analyze different materials and then choose the preferred material accordingly.

Not Changing Your Weaknesses into Strengths

  • When one gets ready for CAT in a shorter time frame, it may happen that he/she may not get settled with a few points or just basically cease from doing such subjects.
  • In the event that such things occurred with you last time, at that point, don’t give them a chance to happen once more. On the off chance that variable based math was your dread, understand as many polynomial math inquiries as you can. If you were not happy with LR sets last time, fathom a great deal of LR sets.
  • Rehashing CAT is tied in with disposing of the shortcomings, so, if something was your shortcoming yesterday, ensure that turns into your quality tomorrow. With proper CAT preparation, CAT repeaters can easily convert their weaknesses into strengths.

Avoiding Your Profile

  • IIMs, for the most part, dismiss applicants who have a lot of shortcomings in their applications. Along these lines, while rehashing CAT, don’t tragically weaken your profile. In the event that you have quite recently finished your graduation this year, at that point, it isn’t a lot of an issue.
  • Be that as it may, in the event that you had taken a drop a year ago and again taking a drop this year can genuinely demolish your profile and reduce your odds of selection considerably further. In this way, attempt to accomplish something that does not leave a shortcoming in your profile.
  • You may volunteer in an NGO, work low maintenance, do outsourcing, and take up another course or whatever you like. Simply ensure that your profile remains solid.

Not Managing Timing and Anxiety Issues

  • You’ll frequently hear CAT specialists specify that any understudy can unravel every one of the inquiries on the CAT in the event that he/she is given sufficient time. Be that as it may, one reason why this test is so troublesome is that you are under a truly serious time imperative. In your retake wonder design, make certain to accentuate test pacing. This is essential to ace in light of the fact that the punishment for not completing an area on the CAT is serious.  
  • Time management is of utmost importance in the exam. Poor time administration will frequently prompt weight on the CAT, which will genuinely influence your capacity to answer every one of the inquiries.

These were some of the most common mistakes that MBA aspirants should avoid while re-appearing for the CAT exam. There are several candidates who made it into the top institutes who avoided the past year mistakes and strategized properly.

Stay tuned with BYJU’S to get more tips and preparation strategies to prepare for CAT more effectively. Also, check various video lessons, sample papers, question papers and free mock tests to get more confident for the exam.