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CAT 2017

CAT 2017

Common Admission Test or CAT is a Computer-based entrance exam for admissions into management courses in Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and other top B-schools of the country. The regulating body/exam authority is the IIM and every year different IIMs conduct the CAT exam on a rotational basis.

Though CAT exam is considered to be a tough entrance exam, the key to succeeding it is with time management and learning the tricks and shortcut techniques that help to ace the exam.

CAT 2017 exam has been successfully conducted by IIM Lucknow on November 26, 2017. Visit CAT 2017 result to get notified of the latest updates.

CAT 2017 Exam Date

Events Dates
CAT Registration Starts 9th August  2017 (Wednesday)
CAT Registration Close 25th September 2017 (Wednesday) 5:00 PM
Correction Window 27 to 30 September 2017 (Wednesday)
CAT Admit card Release 25th October 2017 (Wednesday)
CAT Exam Date 26th November 2017 (Sunday)

Eligibility Criteria for CAT 2017

  • Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification (recognized by HRD Ministry, Government Of India) with a minimum of 50% marks or equivalent CGPA. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD categories must have minimum 45% marks or equivalent CGPA.
  • Candidates appearing for the final year exam of Bachelor’s degree/ equivalent qualification examination are also eligible to take up CAT exam 2017.
  • IIM has a strict verification process, hence check all the documents carefully before submitting them.

Reservations as per the legal requirements:

Category Reserved Seats
ST (Scheduled Tribes) 7.5%
SC (Scheduled Caste ) 15%
OBC (Other Backward Class – Non-Creamy Layer) 27%
PWD (Person With Disabilities) 3%

CAT 2017 Application Process

It should be noted that the original closing date for CAT registration 2017 was scheduled to be on 20th September, 2017. Due to fewer registrations, IIM Lucknow extended the registration date to 25th September. The total registration that IIM Lucknow received till the previously scheduled date was 211,000; a total of 20,000 registrations were added during the extended span capped the total CAT 2017 registration at 231,000.

IIM Lucknow has also allowed the candidates to correct errors in their respective application form by providing the “correction window”.

CAT registration form is available on the official website. Follow the below steps to register for the CAT exam 2017 successfully.

  • Register yourself on the official website of CAT.
  • On successful registration, candidates will receive an email and SMS containing user ID and Password.
  • Use your credentials to log in, and fill the application form.
  • Upload your signature, photograph and other necessary documents once you complete the application form.
  • You can pay your application fee via various modes of payments – Net Banking/ Credit Card/ Debit Card.

CAT 2017 – Application Fees

Category Application Fees
General/OBC INR 1800

CAT 2017 – Exam Pattern

CAT exam 2017 will be a computer-based test with total 100 questions to be completed within 180 minutes. The candidates can view the CAT Exam Pattern 2017 for detailed marks distribution and timings. Here is an overview of the exam pattern. 

Subject Questions Marks Duration
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning 32 96 60 minutes
Quantitative Ability 34 102 60 minutes
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension 34 102 60 minutes
Total 100 300 180 minutes

                                        Correct Answer: +3

Marking Scheme:  

                                         Incorrect Answer: -1

Why CAT?

Any conscientious person periodically reaches a stage in his/her life where they ask themselves the questions like: What next? What more should I do to move ahead in life and inch closer to my dream?

Higher education, especially an MBA as an option is one of the first things that comes to mind. If you have set your sights on pursuing an MBA from an elite business school, then CAT is the beginning of your journey.

Contemplating whether to appear for CAT 2017 or maybe give it another time?

Although the idea of “next time” seems more appealing and at times “logical”, considering reasons such as lack of time, the truth is: There is no better time than NOW. Each time you decide to talk yourself out of an opportunity, you move further away from your dreams.

If you are peering into your current situation and are unresolved, let us state how attempting CAT in 2017 is what you must do

If you are in your pre-final year of graduation, this happens to be the first time you are eligible to attempt CAT. You have the least amount of stress on your head and more than ample of time to prepare for the examination. You don’t have the added pressure of necessarily succeeding in the attempt. All of these factors contribute to you having a clear head and an edge over the candidates appearing for the test. Simultaneously, your preparation for all of your placement processes is furnished well. Even if you don’t get your desired percentile, use it as a learning platform and do better on your next attempt.
You are young, less experienced and in turn hungry to learn more. A lot of recruiters may prefer you because of these factors after you have completed your MBA. It is easier to mould you to learn the tricks of the trade. Also, your next best chance at attempting CAT will have to be with about 2 years of working experience. Currently, you have no such burdens of finances or household responsibilities looming over you. This tips the scales in your favor and might get you an admit into a B-school of your dreams.
If you have been stuck at the same level for a while now, with a decent couple of years in your pocket, as mid level professional you are probably looking to forward your career and are vying for that guaranteed hike in pay check. Maybe an MBA could provide you with the necessary confidence and knowledge to venture out on your own! B-school helps you meet a variety of people, hailing from different backgrounds in turn helping you widen your business network, which you could even tap into later. With exposure to newer and fresher views to solving management-related problems, your real world experience will give you edge over inexperienced at B-school as you can apply the theoretical concepts talked about in B-school better.

Now that you have evaluated your situation, are you motivated to appear for CAT exam 2017? Are you skeptical about e-learning/coaching for CAT? Choose BYJU’S! Check out our free demo videos to know why our teaching style is better.


CAT 2017 is going to be held in the month of November this year; prepare with BYJU’S and claim your spot at IIMs with our CAT preparation tips and tricks. For latest CAT exam notifications and CAT Syllabus, stay tuned to BYJU’S.